NSF goes AWOL for over 5 years to ‘earn more money’ working in other countries

SINGAPORE: For more than five years, a full-time national serviceman ( NSF) who was assigned to the Singapore Civil Defence Force( SCDF) failed to report for duty.

Ng Jun Wei Jason, a 25-year-old permanent resident of Malaysia and Singapore, requested to” earn more money” otherwise, the court was informed.

Before turning himself in in April 2023, he worked in Malaysia, Dubai, and Cambodia.

On Monday, September 18, he admitted guilt to one matter of being absent without left under the Civil Defense Act.

Ng, who enlisted in August 2016, was reportedly from the 141st SCDF NSF diet, according to the jury. He was assigned to the Jalan Bahar Civil Defence Academy as a supply management consultant, but he didn’t show up for work.

Instead, up until his retreat on April 27, 2023, he remained absent without permission.

He had no medical or legal justification for being away for five years, seven times, and 21 time, according to the trial.

Ng returned to Malaysia to work in order to increase his income, the judge was informed. Additionally, he had jobs in Cambodia and Dubai.

Due to his prior violation of a provisional recovery scheme, the prosecutor requested incarceration for 22 to 24 months with an enhanced phrase of 13 days.

Unrepresented Ng initially claimed he had nothing to say in extenuation. He responded that there was” nothing much” for him to mitigate since the prosecution” refused” what he wanted when the judge questioned him about why this was the case.

Ng said,” My NS is two years ,” after providing incomplete answers to a number of questions. The trial wants me to serve a 22 to 24 month prison sentence. I’ve asked( Sir) if I don’t have to serve the NS when I come out, but it’s still the same thing when we say( it is) the other way around, so I first serve my sentence of imprisonment.

The attorney continued,” I believe the accused is asking if there is any chance he could absolve himself of his NS duty after serving his prison sentence.”

He claimed that a child’s NS duty was not affected by their prison sentence. & nbsp,

However, the prosecutor stated that if Ng had requested to be released from NS duty after serving his prison sentence,” that problem must be dealt with by the Civil Defence itself, not the judge.”

Sentence was postponed by the prosecutor to October.