North Korea floats more rubbish-filled balloons to South Korea

Thomas Mackintosh,BBC News

Reuters On 29 May, a balloon believed to have been sent by North Korea carrying various objects including what appeared to be trash and excrement was spotted over a rice field at Cheorwon, South KoreaReuters

According to South Korea’s defense, North Korea is sending more balloons carrying filth and feces across the country’s strongly fortified border.

It comes just weeks after North Korea appeared to fly at least 200 balloons carrying garbage across the border in retaliation for advertising flyers sent from the west.

South Korea’s military secretary Shin Won- sik called it “unimaginably little and reduced- grade behaviour”.

North Korea has not commented on the most recent shipment of balloons, but vice-defence secretary Kim Kang Il issued a warning on Thursday that waste paper and feces would be sent across the border to let the South know how much work is put in place to reduce them.

South Korea’s military asked the public to avoid touching the balloons and report them to authorities, according to a statement on Saturday reported by news agency Yonhap.

Late on Tuesday, residents living in Seoul and in the border region received text messages from provincial authorities asking them to “refrain from outdoor activities”.

If they discover an “unidentified object,” they were also requested to report it to the nearest military center or police place.

According to North Korean authorities, the bags” contained disgusting waste and trash” and were being examined by appropriate authorities.

Instagram photos show bags tied with string to bright, thin balloons, among other things, carrying toilet papers, black soil, and batteries.

Some of these photos feature police and military personnel.

According to South Korea’s Yonhap media company,” some of the fallen bubbles carried what appears to be faeces, judging by its dark color and odour.”

The government of South Korea described the incident as a” apparent violation of international law.”

It “profoundly compromises the health of our citizens.” We solemnly advise North Korea to immediately quit this cruel and barbarous action and claim that North Korea is fully responsible for what occurs as a result of the balloons.

Since the Korean War in the 1950s, both North and South Korea have used bubbles in their advertising campaigns.

New incidents follow North Korea’s declaration to fight against the “frequent sprinkling of flyers and other rubbish” by activists in the South in recent days.

In addition to spreading anti-Pyongyang advertising, activists in South Korea have launched kites carrying, among other things, income, banned media articles, and also Choco Pies, a North Korean snack that is forbidden in the North.