NDR 2024: Business associations support more parental leave but highlight operational challenges for firms

The state acknowledged that bilateral partners and employers were consulted about the design of the keep enhancements in a press release on Sunday.

The new system will be implemented in two stages to give organisations time to adjust their operating and labor preparations in order to control the impact on business costs and operations.  

Additionally, the state will establish a new four-week least notice period that employees may be required to give before participating in any of the parental leave programs.  

To mitigate administrative difficulties, the organizations ASME, SNEF, and SBF stressed the importance of effective communication between employers and employees.  

Employers may offer their employees enough time to apply for leave of absence, and use these leave benefits honestly, ensuring that any extra time off is actually used for filial obligations, according to SBF’s Mr. Lee.  

This fosters respect between employers and employees, which is necessary for the implementation of these policies.

Employees must also be aware that additional coworkers are contributing to the load distribution. Employees on left may also try to be accommodating even when they are on leave, and to be there for their coworkers in case of emergencies. ”


Kids ‘ advocates for households said the more parental leave will give them more time to care for and bond with their children.  

Marriage advocate Albert Lim, who is a member of People for Life, said the improvements are a step in the right direction to help people. But he said it was   It’s too early to determine whether the improvements will be sufficient to meet parents ‘ wishes for parenting.  

Working parents can better compromise their professional and personal responsibilities, according to Yeo Wan Ling, director of the women and home product at NTUC.  

“Fathers, in specific, you lean in to lead to caregiving needs. Running parents with children does help both parents fulfill their career objectives and responsibilities in the home when combined with flexible function plans and the wider ecosystem of aid, she said.  

She further stated that businesses should switch to outcomes-based performance appraisals so that those who might be away for an extended period of time wo n’t be harmed or depressed.

Xander Ong, the chief executive officer of the non-profit Centre for Fathering, said that whether people feel empowered to use these gains, they must also consider the work culture.

” In some organizations, parents who take parental or fatherhood left are viewed severely, which impacts their job prospects,” said Dr Ong.

Organizations must create an environment where taking parental leave is both urged and accepted. Leaders support and transparent communication of policies can create a culture where employees can prioritize their families while also making effective contributions as employees. “