MPOCC has never endorsed other parties to provide consultation services for palm oil dealers – MPIC

KUALA LUMPUR: The particular Malaysian Palm Oil Qualification Council (MPOCC) never endorsed any experts, companies and associates to provide consultation services for palm oil sellers, said the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC).

In a declaration, MPIC said most Accredited Certification Systems (ACB) are going through the accreditation process with all the Department of Standards Malaysia.

This noted that the list of ACB for MSPOMS2530: 2022 could be found on MPOCC’s website.

“This is necessary to ensure that certification bodies that will conduct audits under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme are competent to carry out credible and constant audits, ” it said an the statement.

MPOCC reiterated that palm oil processing facilities and dealers could under your own accord apply for MSPO certification under the MS2530: 2022 Part 4. 2 and 4. several until the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) announces the mandatory implementation.

However , the MSPO certification has not been made mandatory for palm oil processing facilities and dealers.

The particular MSPO standard MS2530: 2022 is the new version launched upon March 22, 2022, with the new parts of MSPO standard which are Part 4. two for palm oil processing facilities and Part 4. 3 regarding dealers.

Previously, the standard’s edition was known as MS2530: 2013. – Bernama