More workplace deaths and close shaves in 2022; surge in cases of work-related health conditions: MOM

SINGAPORE: The number of workplace fatalities, dangerous occurrences and cases of occupational disease in Singapore rose across the board in 2022, according to the annual Workplace Safety and Health Report released on Tuesday (Apr 4).

Published by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the report showed there were 46 workplace-related deaths last year – a rate of 1.3 per 100,000 workers. This was up from 37 in 2021 and the highest number of fatalities since 2015 and 2016, when there were 66 each year.

The top two causes were vehicular incidents and falls from a height, which together accounted for half of all workplace fatalities in 2022. The most number of cases, 14, occurred in the construction sector.

“The spate of workplace fatal injuries were largely due to basic safety lapses, such as inadequate safety planning and control measures, and non-compliance with safety measures,” said MOM. 

The number of dangerous occurrences – incidents with a high potential for multiple fatalities, but where no one was injured – also more than doubled from 13 in 2021 to 27 in 2022. There were 46 such incidents reported in 2015. 

Among the incidents last year, twenty involved the collapse or failure of structures and equipment, with the remaining involving fires and explosions.

MOM attributed the spike last year to a rise in crane-related incidents in the construction sector, which again contributed the most – 56 per cent – of all dangerous occurrences.

The ministry pointed to a S$4 million grant announced in January, to co-fund the installation of stability control systems on lorry cranes.

MOM also said it was reviewing additional measures that would enhance crane operators’ competency, and increase the deterrence of unsafe crane-related operations.