More university graduates in China turning to smaller cities for employment: Report

But even as the 5,377 renminbi find generates debate, it still pales in comparison to the standard salary offered in first-tier Chinese cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen, commonly known as “Bei Shang Guang Shen”.

According to a report from the recruitment agency Zhaopin, which was published in January, China’s 38 big places, including the four mentioned above, offered an average monthly selection income of 10,420 renminbi, which was reported on by China Daily in January.

Shanghai businesses were the most generous financiers, offering the highest average income of 13,888 renminbi a month. Businesses in Beijing and Shenzhen placed second and third, both.  


Although wages may have improved, young Chinese are still looking for work outside of the major cities.  

According to Chinese news page Sixth Tone, the MyCOS review even attributed the tendency to alumni wanting to move closer to their families and avert the stress that comes with working in large cities.  

According to the report, the public sector and higher learning have emerged as key draws, with the highest proportions of university graduates working in smaller cities. 23 people worked in the education field. Employment in government and public management accounted for 14 %, while jobs in government and public management accounted for 14 %. 9 per share.  

Sixth Tone notes that the trend has also been influenced by fresh policy initiatives that aim to re-enter graduates from their communities.  

One case was Suichang County in Zhejiang province, which offered master’s degree buyers a 300,000 yuan housing payment and a 30,000 yuan yearly life salary for five years if they worked for a local company, Sixth Tone reported.