More thundery showers expected in second half of August

SINGAPORE: More thundery showers are expected in the second half of August than the first half, said the Meteorological Service Singapore on Tuesday (Aug 16). 

In its fortnightly outlook, the Met Service said that short moderate to heavy thundery showers can be expected between the late morning and afternoon on most days. There may also be thundery showers over Singapore on a few nights.

“In addition, Sumatra squalls may bring widespread thundery showers with occasional gusty winds in the pre-dawn and morning on a few days,” said the Met Service.

Overall, more rainfall is expected in the second half of August compared to the first half of the month. The overall rainfall for August will likely be above-average over most parts of the country, said the Met Service.

However, there could still be a few warm days in the coming fortnight despite the expected showers.

On most days, the daily temperature is forecast to range between 24 degrees Celsius and 33 degrees Celsius, with some days reaching daily highs of about 34 degrees Celsius. 

On a few rainy days, the daily minimum temperature may dip to below 23 degrees Celsius.

Warm and humid conditions with minimum temperatures of up to 28 degrees Celsius can be expected on a few nights, particularly in the eastern and southern coastal areas of the country.