More seniors stepping forward as caregivers to their peers, as Singapore approaches ‘super-aged’ status

A country is labelled as “super-aged” by the United Nations when the proportion of its population aged 65 and above hits the 21 per cent mark.

By 2030, one in four Singapore citizens will be 65 and above.


The Singapore Red Cross runs a befriending programme for elders called ElderAid.

The initiative aims to engage seniors with the help of community volunteers, and also direct them to receiving the appropriate help when needed.

One such senior living alone, 83 year-old Jessie Leong, told CNA that she often has to find ways to occupy her time daily, but is hesitant to go out on her own after a recent spate of falls.

“I need some outings so my life won’t be so boring. And then later on if I get weaker, because I’m 83, in two years’ time, I might not be able to go to a hospital or clinic myself. So maybe I need some caregiver to go with me,” she said.