More accurate, efficient knee replacement surgery at Alexandra Hospital with new AI algorithm


Speaking to CNA’s Singapore Tonight, Dr Glen Liau, who is part of the team that developed the engine, noted that there are many permutations and combinations for the location of an implant.

For example, a hip part bone implant- one of two implants that are often placed in the knee- may be moved up or down, turned in or out, flexed or extended, and internally or externally rotated, he explained. &nbsp,

” Our engine is able to consider the dozens of variations and within 0.1 moments, rate them according to the patient’s unique, certain anatomy and the surgeon’s objectives”, he said.

” By doing so, we hope to achieve the most optimal implant place that is planned for a person who is having mechanical leg surgery.”

Now, this process is done personally, and takes up about 15 days, AH said.

” Under day pressure, surgeons may analyze only two or three options before settling on one to apply, and this is not ideal, in an operating theatre setting with the patient on the surgery table under public anaesthesia”, AH added.