This use Sheng Siong, who’s one of our Queen Bees as an example. They are concerned about ensuring the network’s resilience for Queen Bees in the supply network. They therefore have a system of SME networks. For Sheng Siong, it could be ( companies ) that they purchase the supplies from.  ,
Let’s say at Sheng Shiong, ( they ) want to introduce more digitalisation ( such as ) e-invoicing ( but they ) ca n’t do it alone, because if ( they ) do e-invoicing but everybody else is on paper and pen, it defeats the purpose. So effectively, one of the areas that Sheng Siong is looking at is to create e-invoicing to their vendors as also… so that the whole system uses ( the same systems ).  ,
Queen Bees is consider how these programs can provide them with that strategic value as a business and employer, and how they could step up and help to expand the network they are attempting to create.