Minister hopes for Brics invitation in October

At a gathering of Russian officials, foreign minister Maris makes a ball to Thailand.

Minister hopes for Brics invitation in October
Maris Sangiampongsa, the foreign affairs minister, delivers a speech on Tuesday at a meeting of the Brics ‘ foreign ministries in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. ( Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

According to Foreign Affairs Minister Maris Sangiampongsa, Thailand hopes to get invited to join the Brics in October.

Thailand values our cooperation with Brics and has always taken part in all high-level Brics discussions. However, he was quoted as saying at a meeting of the Brics foreign officials on Tuesday in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, that we would like to join yet more deeply in the future.

” In this connection, it gives me great glory to declare Thailand’s earnest desire to become a member of Brics at the earliest possibility”.

Brics was formed in 2009 by the big emerging markets Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, with the aim of countering American hegemony. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates joined the group on Jan 1.

Kuwait, Thailand, and Vietnam are just a few of the places that have officially applied for membership this time.

The 16th Brics conference in Kazan, Russia, on October 22 through October 24 has been invited non-member nations who want to visit.

Mr. Maris claimed that Thailand had a lot to offer the active group. The nation is a bridge builder, and he said the country will make every effort to connect the group to regional, sub-regional, and multilateral frameworks, including the Group of 77, the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD ), the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation ( Bimstec), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( Asean ).

He also suggested that Brics may strengthen its cooperation with developing nations to improve food and energy security, boost trade and investment by strengthening supply chain connectivity and cross-border electronic transactions, and encourage the use of local currencies.

” Thailand is prepared to establish concrete technical assistance with Brics countries to transfer skills and best practices, focusing on individual security in four aspects: health, jobs, food, and environment and energy”, he said.

He claimed that the sooner prospective new Rs partners joined, the louder the tone of Brics would be on the international stage.

” Thailand builds bridges, we connect and we cooperate across regions and programs”, he said. ” As part of the Brics home, I am certain that this is how Thailand may contribute to making Brics more diverse, more connected, and more effective in shaping an emerging world order that is just, secure, and productive for all”.

Thailand has even given notification that it wants to apply to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which consists of 38 of the nation’s most developed economies.