Migrant worker harassed by ‘loan sharks’: Over 10 instances of hell notes, threats sent to boss and neighbours

Hiap Seng kept the authorities informed as more characters arrived, totaling over 10 times, and as threats were e-mailed to the business.

The harassers therefore spread the word by writing letters to different establishments in the same building.

” They specifically mentioned our company, so the MCST ( management corporation ) called us out”, said Mr Yuen.

Perhaps then, his business chose to go on with life.

The turning point came when his girl, identified in past reports as the child of Mr Sharif’s company, received a notice at her residence address.

” Of course, she got very concerned. Why are people able to find out her household address? Even her neighbour also received ( a letter )… She got very scared”, said Mr Yuen, adding that his sister, who also works for Hiap Seng, has two children.

Because her vehicle dish number was mentioned in the letter, he thinks the harassers saw her car and used it to locate her address.

The business began considering letting come of Mr. Sharif after she reported it to the police. &nbsp,

” Because of a worker we risk our ( safety )- I think it’s not a good deal”, said Mr Yuen.

In a joint declaration in early April, the officers and the&nbsp, Ministry of Manpower ( MOM) &nbsp, said Mr Yuen’s girl was told that officers would step up patrols around her home and warn her condominium’s protection.

The agent also advised her frequently that abuse would cease once the work go for a foreign employee being harassed had been canceled and the worker no longer worked for the employer, according to the statement.


Hiap Seng sent Mr. Sharif a cancellation letter on March 11. He stayed on in Singapore&nbsp, on a Unique Pass&nbsp, to help with studies. &nbsp,

According to We, The Citizens, a magazine run by dissident Kirsten Han, the prospective employer had a change of mind after receiving a harassing text in the first place.

Hiap Seng and MOM were the only other events that knew of this new position for Mr. Sharif, according to a report from the email in April.

Mr Yuen, however, said he did n’t know which company Mr Sharif was joining.

Investigations came to an end, and the authorities discovered no proof that Mr. Sharif had borrowed money from unregistered lenders. &nbsp,

But Mr Sharif remained destitute. His Special Go was extended thrice, and buddies &nbsp, of his went to view Prime Minister Lawrence Wong at a Meet- The- People Session to charm for a further expansion.

After making the decision to extend his pass beyond May 31, MOM and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority ( ICA ) finally decided to let him leave the nation in which he had worked for 16 years.