Meet Zom Marie, the Thai YouTuber who made the leap from songstress to lifestyle maven

Meet Zom Marie, the Thai YouTuber who made the leap from songstress to lifestyle maven

One of the realities of working with her partner is that personal and work time have blended into one. “We are both workaholics and devoted to work so we do not detach and have ‘me time’,” she said. “But even though we sometimes fight, we know that our intentions are for the best so we do not take it personally.”

Still, the melding of her work and personal life can be challenging at times. “As a content creator, my mind is always buzzing with ideas, and when everything has the potential to be interesting, it is hard to switch off and stop the constant brainstorming,” she said.


Perhaps it is candid responses like these that appeal to her main viewership, of which 70 per cent of them are women aged 18 to 34. “For the 24- to 34-year-old viewers, we are around the same age so it is not hard to be relatable as we are going through similar challenges in life. For the younger viewers aged below 20, I think I appeal to them because I love trying new things,” she said.

Besides offering young women a platform where they can watch a personality that they can relate to, Zom Marie also values the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others.