Mediacorp radio stations land 9 out of top 10 spots in Nielsen survey, record 3.93 million weekly listeners

Five Mediacorp facilities furthermore achieved all-time highs in listening.

Youth-centric facilities Well 933 saw the biggest hop- 44 per share to 1.1 million viewers- while 987 rose 30.1 per share to 613, 000 audiences.

CAPITAL 958 grew by 8.6 per share to 848, 000 audiences, while language facilities WARNA 942 saw a 17.9 per cent increase to 547, 000 audiences and Imo 968 increased by 11.7 per share to 392, 000 audiences.

Seven Mediacorp facilities also reported increases in listening time.

WARNA 942 saw an boost of 1.3 days to 10.1 days, claiming the title of the most engaged place nevertheless.

Well 933 saw the biggest expansion of 1.6 time to 6.3 hrs. In addition to being the fastest-growing television station, it is also the best place general and the best electric train.

Irene 897 grew by 1.5 days to 3.6 days in terms of time spent listening. 987 grew by 1.4 days to 4.6 time, while OLI 968 added 1 hour to accomplish 6.9 time, LOVE 972 increased by 0.7 hours to 8.3 days and CNA 938 grew by 0.6 hours to 2.9 time.

Beyond its accomplishments in modern music, Mediacorp reported that it has gained more ground as a result of its ongoing efforts to become more prominent in the daily lives of its listeners.

On TikTok, general proposal- comprising likes, remarks and shares- has surged by 77.1 per share with youth-centric brands, like RIA 897 and YES 933, and leading the pack.

Mediacorp’s Chief Customer and Corporate Development Officer, Angeline Poh, said:” We are delighted to be the sound system of choice among Singapore viewers.

” Having seamlessly integrated radio with modern electronic experiences, our ongoing breakthroughs defy obsolete misperceptions of the channel, which today offers an enduring, alternative lifestyle experience.

This change “underlines Mediacorp’s commitment to being a key player in the life of our audience,” the company said.