SINGAPORE: A 64- season- old man was charged on Thursday ( Jul 4 ) with 33 works of employing immigrants without appropriate work moves.
Ang Peck Leang, a Singaporean, reportedly hired 33 foreigners to work as part-time cleaners through a chat team on Viber, a mobile game, between 2018 and 2021.
Of the 33 foreigners, 27 were maids, five were on work permits for other companies and one was on a Dependant’s Pass, the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM) said in a press release on Thursday.
None of them possessed acceptable function passes to be employed as cleansers, added the ministry.
Ang made the announcement on Thursday that he intends to enter a criminal plea. On July 25, the event is scheduled to go back to court.  ,
Anyone convicted of employing a foreigner without a valid work pass , may be jailed for up to 12 months, fined between S$ 5, 000 ( US$ 3, 700 ) and S$ 30, 000, or both. They may also be barred from employing immigrants.
Without legitimate job permits, immigrants who work in Singapore may face jail time of up to two years, fines of up to S$ 20,000, or both. They may be barred from working in Singapore.
Members of the public who are aware of suspicious employment practices does contact MOM, according to the government.