Malaysia hopes its Nangchem hybrid premium fruit will prove a juicy hit with China

According to scientists, jackfruits&nbsp, – also known as nangka in Malaysia and Indonesia&nbsp, – as well as cempedak belong to the same household as breadfruits.

Collectively, they form an important protein banks that can help combat climate change because they are some of the most environmentally friendly types that can be found in the wild.

” Just one good tree can provide so much fruit, so it’s ( an ) affordable and nutritious food source”, said Ms Maria Wang, sustainability consultant from the Smithsonian Institution, a museum, education, and research complex in the United States.

This, she continued, brings great news for both food safety and the environment.

” They take in coal. You can eat the seedlings as well, she said, and they also need less water and fertilizer than yearly crops like corn, wheat, and corn.

According to Ms. Wang, Nangchem is fragile and must be consumed within days, just like cempedak and papaya. &nbsp,

She added that developing the technology to export clean Nangchem is essential for the export of the funky-looking fruits globally.