Malaysia election: Parties may look to Sarawak, Sabah for support to form government after polls

Santubong MP Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar of the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), which comes under the GPS coalition, said: “I’m certain for GPS and also my party PBB, our campaigning machinery is still there. We can still use our winning strategy, not just for state elections but also for parliamentary seats as well.”

Support for the coalition can be found in both rural and urban areas.

“Parties with large majorities usually have done their groundwork and we know their history,” said one resident.

Another resident said: “At our kampung level, the GPS will still have the advantage.”


However, GPS’s ambition to win all the seats in Sarawak could well be a bridge too far, according to some observers. 

Bandar Kuching MP Kelvin Yii of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) said: “It is basically political posturing. Every party will show some confidence, but we will leave it to the voters to decide.”