Malaysia can learn from other advanced economies in 5G roll-out, say industry experts

Malaysia is urging the fabrication industry to adopt cutting-edge 5G technologies, including automated robots and automation, as soon as possible to stay relevant and aggressive. But, it needs reliable, stable and strong 5G infrastructure to enable electronic transformation.

Mr. Chew argued that the implementation of business standards is” not a one-man show.”

” It definitely needs to be worked with mobile networking users, with market participants, the structure integrator, the distributors, etc. All have to come up to appreciate this goal”, he added.

Application is crucial when it comes to 5G, according to Malaysia’s Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo at a separate business workshop held in Kuala Lumpur on May 3.

” We have technology- if adopted, ( it ) can transform the system and increase profitability. We have a system that’s useful. The problem now is whether there’s plenty business answers and there’s plenty adoption”, he said.


Business experts recommend that Malaysia examine how 5G roll-outs were carried out in other developed nations like China to speed up 5G implementation.

The access point may be lowered, according to Mr. Morrison, director of Huawei Technologies ‘ chief change company.

” Do n’t charge CapEx ( capital expenditures ) which SMEs ( small- and medium- sized enterprises ) ca n’t afford”, he added.

” Charge OpEx ( operating expenses ) which they can afford. They are locked in for a period of time to confirm there is compensation. When they begin doing that, everything did blow, just like it did in China, South Korea, and Japan.

David Hagerbro, president and CEO of Ericsson Malaysia, said it is still crucial to make sensible purchases.

” For certain, the modern bridges are it, but the true value of these routes will only be realised when you use these bridges”, he added.