Johor police station attack: Suspect’s neighbours say no inkling of his family’s suspected JI links

Prof. Ramakrishna claimed that Indonesian security forces had long ago eradicated the more violent groups that had developed in the sailing school.

However, he said,” It seems feasible that a younger generation of violent parts from this area could be gradually reviving.” He noted that police were already monitoring them as a result of the inquiries of more than 20 well-known JI people in Johor.

However, security consultant Chasseur Group, founder of security firm Chasseur Group, Munira Mustaffa, cautioned against interpreting a single event as a representation of JI activities in the area.

” Now, JI’s primary atom in Indonesia remains weakened due to a lack of leadership and is generally decentralised”, she told CNA.

” This event is very possible to have been an isolated event. Until we understand his problems, desires for launching the assault, and priorities, we may say with certainty that there is a larger plot”.

Ms. Munira stressed that the criminal’s papa has so far been the only one who has forged a link to JI.

” The authorities are arresting persons with suspected references. It remains to be seen whether they actually are people, she continued.

” Until we know with certainty that this is the case, I am optimistic about any claims of an effective JI body in Johor.”

In the same vein, RSIS’s Prof. Ramakrishna emphasized that further investigations are required to determine how much a potential resurgence of aggressive militancy has spread among the “affiliated with the ancient Luqmanul Hakiem pesantren.”


According to Prof. Ramakrishna, the manner in which the incident took place appeared to be “very rudimentary,” involving what appeared to be a hapless artist who wanted to steal a gun from the authorities.

According to Assistant Professor Ahmad El-Muhammady, an associate fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism ( ICCT), the suspect may have been inspired by previous terrorist attacks that have occurred in Indonesia.

For example, in December 2022, a gentleman blew himself up at a police station in Bandung, killing an officer and wounding 10 people. The attacker was associated with Jamaah Ansharut Daulah ( JAD), a member of the Islamic State terror group.

Asst. Prof. Ahmad said that the suspect may be brought on by external factors like the Gaza conflict and the perception of injustice in relation to Israeli issues.

” A former member of JI used to tell me: You can kill the organisation, but you ca n’t kill the ideology. Some individuals still maintain the ideology’s consistency, and it may be spreading it covertly, he said.