Japan’s public school teachers plagued by massive overtime, overwork and poor mental health

Authorities Regard REFORMS

Officials in Japan have urged reforms like sourcing, digitizing some tasks, and hiring more support staff to deal with the issue immediately.

Some schools, like Ms Kurayama’s, are taking the initiative to reduce operating hours too.

Principal of Shimoda Elementary School, Kazuhiro Nakamura, claimed that all classes then end after breakfast and that Wednesday afternoon classes have been discontinued.

” Teachers can focus on (other ) duties in the afternoon. We counsel them to take a break and return house. That way, they may feel motivated to face the remaining weeks of the week”, he added.

Despite the college’s work, Ms Kurayama has found herself bogged down by sessions and unable to keep work earlier. &nbsp,

This has prompted Mr Nakamura to ponder another alterations, including playing to the teachers ‘ strengths, so that those who are good at counseling students, for example, help those who are not.

He noted:” All has strengths and weaknesses. If teachers may support one another, each tutor can choose the position that best suits them, and the working environment will likely be better.


However, these adjustments are still uncommon in Japan, mainly because the training committee for each neighborhood’s neighborhood needs to first approve changes.

Some instructors are taking matters into their own hands to figure out a way to carry on as shifts slowly occur.

An 18-year trainer named Mr. Takashi Koshimizu founded an training forum where schoolteachers can discuss their issues and exchange ideas with one another.

Teachers from several institutions alternately host it on their days off, with some registering online.

They take turns giving seminars in an unorthodox way, such as by playing stone, papers and scissors. Some people find its innovative approach and group discussion meetings to be more beneficial than the typical teacher training programs.

Ms Kurayama said:” Here, all breaks out of their shell. We turn into kids and pick up a lot of skills.

” The method I speak to the children, the method I have a dialogue, I learnt everything around.”

The instructors themselves have problems of their own, particularly the strain of completing a long list of tasks.

Mr. Koshimizu cited the importance of dividing responsibilities between teachers and preventing people from exceeding their capacity, calling the current situation “abnormal.”

” We are makers, we do the selling, planning, customer support, control issues, approach them. These are handled by one man, “he added.

Movement TAKES A Burden

Mr. Koshimizu was moved to a different class last year because the teachers in Tokyo public colleges are rotated between them every six years. &nbsp,

This may take a burden on confidence and security, as in the case of his protege, Ms Kumi Sugaya. &nbsp,

The 26-year-old was left struggling without anyone to link her. Although she was the only room teacher, her emotional health took a tailspin, but she was unable to take time off.

After four years of teaching in open schools, she ultimately left in March.