Japan to introduce online booking for Mount Fuji trail

Japan to introduce online booking for Mount Fuji trail
Japan to introduce online booking for Mount Fuji trail

Tokyo: Chinese authorities made an announcement on May 13 that an online reservation system for Mount Fuji’s most well-known route would be made.

During the summer walking season, the highest mountain in Japan has become more crowded, raising concerns about safety and economic harm.

To ease congestion on the Yoshida Trail, the favored way for most climbers, the Yamanashi area is planning to cover monthly submissions to 4, 000 people, who will be charged US$ 13 each.

However, this year will introduce online orders for the first time in order to address some climbers ‘ fears that they will be rejected when the normal limit is exceeded.

The program will ensure people access through a new wall, “allowing them to prepare ahead”, Katsuhiro Iwama, an established from the Yamanashi local government, told AFP.

For the walking season from July to September, online reservations will begin on May 20. Each day at least 1, 000 places may be kept completely for on- the- place access.