Japan military hammered and war hadn’t even started – Asia Times

Japan has the funds to purchase all of its F35s and long-range and fast missiles. It even has the honor of putting together a few “aircraft ships.” But so what?

It’s not that hardware does n’t matter. However, purchasing shiny, expensive equipment matters little until Tokyo pays more attention to the people who actually serve in the Japan Self-Defense Force ( JSDF).

The JSDF not actually engaged in combat, but it lost decisively next year, falling 50 % short of its recruitment goals. &nbsp, The year before it was a 35 % lose. &nbsp, And for centuries it has had 20 % deficits. &nbsp, So, JSDF is anything an old, understaffed and overworked force.

The factors– or, much said, the apologies– are: Japan’s shrinking population, opposition from the private market, and a series of staff scandals. &nbsp,

However, real blame lies with Japan’s politicians, representatives, researchers and particular media outles that have spent the past six years ignoring, underfunding, hamstringing, belittling and humiliating the JSDF.

When was the last time a dominant Japanese politician addressed the people directly about the significance of the Japanese Self Defense Force and its members, and therefore kept repeating the message?

Has there ever been a JSDF production that resembled a Major Gun video?

Everything needs to change, or Japan might as well slam dang loud when the Taiwanese arrive.

Making company in the JSDF a respected career and an appealing career choice for more recent Japanese is crucial. To the lasting disgrace of the Chinese ruling elite, it is not now both of those things. It speaks for itself for JSDF employees that they are still afraid to wear uniforms in common.

Not surprisingly, the Japan Self-Defense Force ca n’t attract enough recruits.

Obviously, the JSDF may sell itself better. Generally speaking, yakuza offices are as loving as gang offices, and they are uninsightly. Would be good with some expert advertising. However, they may even receive a sale from the Japanese government.

The fact that the terms of service are not very nice is a large part of the issue. &nbsp, Wages are small and living conditions are unstable third-world for both individual and married&nbsp, jieikan&nbsp, ( members of the JSDF). Because they ca n’t afford it, many families do n’t use their air conditioners in the summer. And when JSDF people are transferred, they usually end up paying out of pocket to walk.

Retirement? Nothing can be giddy on. Nobody would function in the United States military if you applied for a similar pension plan in America.

However, some Chinese are aware of this because too few of them— particularly at ruling-class rates — have actually met an enlisted&nbsp, r.

While I was serving as the US Marine liaison officer to the Japanese Army, a middle-aged Japanese civilian asked me,” Where do they ]jiekan] ] come from”? I heard this frequently.

Following the earthquake and tsunami in Northeast Japan in 2011, self-defense forces’ people value increased. During Operation Tomodachi, the JSDF — specifically the Ground Self-Defense Force — performed the majority of the pleasure work, including saving lives, offering comfort, and taking on the terrible process of recovering thousands of dead bodies, all of which they did with philosophical respect. &nbsp,

Their praise from a glad region? A give cut, along with all other legal employees.

Jiekan&nbsp, are merely civil workers, it was argued. Well, not really.

Consider a fatal underwater cat-and-mouse game in which a crew of a submarine is tracking a PLA underwater. This is not particularly close to the nearby hospital office functionary who ensures that canine licenses are paid up.

Being executed for the sake of the Japanese is a completely different level of government services than fighting for it. It’s about time for more Asian people to acknowledge this.

However, the Self-Defense Force is as ready as it is, which is a testament to the innate value of JSDF staff. After all, it has endured decades of improper treatment and inadequate money, as well as occasionally illegal scorn.

Invest in the SDF members.

Here’s what the state needs to accomplish:

  • Take the necessary steps to ensure that fresh Chinese, both male and female, see military service as a wise career choice in comparison to the private sector. In Japan that’s not as a strong a market as one might think, given the boring, low-paid crush of salaryman lifestyle. &nbsp,
  • Make JSDF service well-paying, offer decent living conditions ( no more dilapidated quarters ) and look after military families.
  • Focus on professional development for company users both while they are serving and afterwards. &nbsp,
  • Apply the equivalent of America’s GI Bill providing longtime benefits, such as post-service learning support, housing loans, healthcare and good, stable pensions for long-serving personnel.

The lesson is that you must spend money and treat them well in order to attract good people from a broader candidate pool who otherwise wo n’t consider joining the military. Although it is not exactly rocket science, it demonstrates how much the country values military services.

Do all of this, and former III Marine Expeditionary Force chief Wallace” Device” Gregson, retired USMC Lieutenant General, will lead the right kind of people, and you’ll set out to advance their careers.

Getting priorities straight

Most administrators, politicians, and others have been blind of the crisis on the JSDF staff before. &nbsp, Fancy wonder weapons and equipment are seen as more significant.

However, well-cared-for and well-trained forces with great confidence make for a better performing power. In reality, they are a necessity to an effective force. This should be popular feeling.

And the money is in Japan. This is evident in the government’s commitment to spend billions on hardware and its plans to increase protection spending over the next four or so years.

Spend lots of it on the jiekan.

Provide JSDF some regard

And it’s not just funds. It is equally essential to praise the JSDF and its members and show them some value. &nbsp, This was, in fact, a large portion of Ronald Reagan’s victory in fixing the demoralized US defense in the early 1980’s.

Additionally, the Japanese government should take the necessary steps to rewrite the Constitution to publicly justify the JSDF. Beyond the assistant spiritual boost, there is the basic decency of expressing gratitude for the tiny minority of Japan’s population who defends its citizens in an East Asian neighborhood that is becoming more and more dangerous.

One more thing is that Japan’s military highlights the stark contrast between the People’s Republic of China and its authoritarian regime.

A reputable and well-funded JSDF supports the idea that each person’s freedom, liberty, and lawful rule is for protecting from a rebellious and angry neighbor. And that’s what the JSDF is on.

I brushed arms with Japan’s wealthy political figures while working as a minister at the US embassy in Tokyo. They were generally clever people, albeit occasionally dripping with pride, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Finance.

But were they Japan’s best and brightest, as they anointed themselves? &nbsp, No. I’ve lived 25 times in Japan, and out of all the Chinese I am most satisfied with the&nbsp, jiekan.

Therefore, give the JSDF some regard and treat them better. In this way, Japan will do more to defend itself than if it purchases all of the US’s Tomahawk missile products and 1000 F35s.

Former US minister and previous US Marine official Grant Newsham. He is the creator of the book&nbsp, When China Attacks: A Warning To America. Following him on X @NewshamGrant.