Israel-Hezbollah escalation could pull in Iran, US – Asia Times

Mass human evacuations and common death, damage, and destruction have been the result of months of constant exchanges between Israel and Lebanon’s violent team Hezbollah.

Since first June, the assault has gotten worse, with more and more heated rhetoric coming out. Both attributes have acknowledged the good severe effects of the tit-for-tat problems from escalating into a full-blown war. The question is whether this flimsy confinement will carry in the future.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the foreboding suggestion on June 23 that more of the region’s soldiers would soon be freed up and moved to the northeast to fight Hezbollah in menacing language. In order to prepare for a potential conflict with Hezbollah, Israel was moving Iron Dome chargers from the south to the north, according to a CNN report a few days before.

As a researcher on Lebanon and Israel, I have closely followed their respective local patterns.

What is in danger is significant, and the consequences I think far outweigh the continuous Israel-Hamas issue. The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has revealed the fundamental truth: the conflict in Gaza is also a conflict over dominant energy in the Middle East in many ways. It further increases the US’s exposure to this potential darkness, which has compelled Washington to intensify diplomatic efforts to halt Israel-Hezbollah hostilities.

Regional relationships

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf state, Iran’s local competitors, are closely monitoring how Iran uses the growing crime on the Lebanon-Israel border and the Gaza conflict to expand its regional interests. Russia, supported by Iran in its war against Ukraine, is watching, also, viewing this issue as a means to undermine the United States.

In its fight for local identity with Iran, Israel, in contrast, approaches the developing problems on the country’s northeastern border from a position of greater frailty. Critics have accused Israel’s extreme right-wing state of lacking in corporate thinking regarding the current conflict’s objectives.

For proper blindness, they argue, disregards Israel’s needed to maintain good relationships with its regional and global allies, first and foremost with the United States.

Israel’s management could have used the battle to develop its connection with majority-Sunni states in the Middle East and draw on its empire with the US to ensure local assistance for the Jewish state, instead of devastating Gaza following the October 7 massacres by Palestinian militants.

However, Israel’s steadfast refusal to discuss creative political engagement with the Palestinians has a major impact on its ties to regional actors who otherwise would be willing to support the Jewish state of Iran.

Prospective for US- Iran turmoil

Iran and its proxies had probably ignite the whole region if Israel and Hezbollah launched a full-fledged war. It might also force the US to engage directly with Tehran, which is a terrible circumstance that President Joe Biden has been attempting to avoid since October 7.

A battle with Hezbollah may convince the US to provide practical fight support, as it did in April in retaliatory attacks by Iran and its proxies on Israel, in contrast to the war against Hamas, in which American support for Israel is restricted to diplomacy and arms supply.

Hezbollah’s secretary general, Hasan Nasrallah, threatened Cyprus by stating that his organization would target the island if Israel and Israel cooperated with Israel during the conflict. Hezbollah has even extended the geographic range of the conflict.

Washington is undoubtedly concerned about the repercussions of the growing fighting between Israel and Hezbollah. The US has been trying to come to an Israeli-Lebanese agreement since the beginning of the Gaza war, which would require the removal of Hezbollah’s forces from the border zone and their replacement with international forces and the Lebanese army.

Israel and Lebanon would form a boundary commission in exchange, as the American proposal suggests, to address Lebanese and Israeli grievances over the location of their shared boundary line once and for all.

Any deal made with Hezbollah is becoming more difficult as the Hezbollah-Israel attrition war continues.

The pressure on the north and the conservative and religious sectors to go to war with Hezbollah is growing in Israel. According to recent polls, the majority of Israeli Jews favor the IDF or Israel Defense Forces fighting Hezbollah” with full force.”

The IDF, on the other hand, is sending mixed messages. The decision to go to war is quickly approaching, according to its spokesman. Meanwhile, senior generals, including the chief of staff, have noted that after nine months of fighting, the IDF is overly stretched and worn out, and the opening of a front against Hezbollah cannot occur before the army is reenergized and regrouped.

Israel at a vulnerable moment

In terms of Netanyahu, the once aloof and risk-averse political realist is now taking the chance of a situation that could result in the country’s total strategic defeat, undermining the security and viability of an Israel that is integrated into regional politics. Since January, there has been a lot of concern that Netanyahu could force Israel into a full-fledged conflict with Hezbollah if he believes that a full-fledged conflict would serve his own preconceived notions. We might be getting closer to the truth about this apprehension.

Hezbollah, on the other hand, continues its pressure on Israel, increasing the gamble of full conflagration, recognizing that Israel is potentially at its most vulnerable moment– perhaps since the 1948 war.

Even with the continued economic and political downturn in Lebanon, the continuation of this attrition war is paying off, given Iran and Hezbollah’s long-term strategic objectives of eradicating Israel.

The Americans have been working hard to find diplomatic solutions to this crisis along with the French, who was the country’s former colonial master and creator. Hezbollah has stated from the beginning that it will stop its cross-border attacks in Gaza if and when a cease-fire agreement is reached.

However, neither the Hamas or Israel leadership seem particularly eager to get there at this point. Instead, it appears that the scenario Hamas hoped would materialize after October 7: that Israel’s allies in the so-called Axis of Resistance would join the conflict and launch an offensive against Israel on multiple fronts, is only more likely.

In short, the Lebanon- Israel border is at present a combustible front at risk of explosion.

Of course, Israel and Hezbollah may continue to cooperate in a similar way that the US and the Soviet Union were halted by mutually assured destruction ( MAD ) during the Cold War. Additionally, aggressive efforts are being made by US-led initiatives to tamp down the flames.

However, without any significant diplomatic breakthrough, the situation will undoubtedly continue to worsen and could lead to a war that will be even more deadly than the one that has been occurring since October 7.

At the University of Notre Dame, Asher Kaufman is the head of history and peace studies.

This article was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.