International youth teams overcome adversity, foster collaboration at robotics competition in Singapore

TEAM UKRAINE: overcoming obstacles

The five Ukrainian kids braved air attacks and a three-day journey to make the journey to Singapore as the battle against Russia’s war rages on.

Even as they were getting ready for the contest, the team encountered a roadblock early on.

The Russian team was not given their robot, despite the fact that each team is expected to construct one from a normal kit of components.

” Due to the ongoing conflict, it is very difficult to send something to Ukraine from other countries, so we were unable to get the kit.” Without the activity items from this year, we had to construct our machine from kits from prior years, according to team member Ihor Honcharenko.

Due to weather raid emails, the crew was also unable to focus properly.

However,( our robot ) is still present and in operation. Despite everything, we hope to achieve great benefits, said Mr. Honcharenko.

The player’s leader, Ms. Yuliia Shevchenko, stated that it was also difficult to find the best and brightest robotics students in the nation because so many of them had left to pursue their studies abroad.

The presence of his team at the celebration is crucial for his nation, Mr. Honcharenko continued.

It is an opportunity to demonstrate that Ukraine is a digitally advanced nation with gifted individuals who may succeed, he said.

” Specially in our situation, we can demonstrate that anything is possible despite any obstacles or probabilities.”


This time, Uganda fielded an all-female team.

Computer science-based team mentor Caroline Ekyarisiima expressed her passion and ambition for using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics( STEM ) to empower girls in her nation.

” As a teenager, I faced many difficulties without role models or support. The first thing I should do now that I have this opportunity is to help my other younger sisters get possibilities in STEM fields, she said.

” We keep leaving girls and young women about if we don’t boost, motivate, and train them.” They won’t be able to converse with people at the same table while participating evenly.

Members of the team have previously led jobs for neighborhood organizations. To keep girls in villages in college, its youngest member created a device that dispenses sanitary pads.

Because they don’t obtain sanitary pads, girls were skipping classes and dropping out of school. She came up with the concept of using a penny to only purchase one plate because their parents couldn’t afford to buy the entire package. According to Ms. Ekyarisiima, doing this would keep her in college and support her realize her goals.

” We are utilizing the power of STEM to build better communities and to give girls and young women the tools they need to address problems.”

Team member Joy Akandida said she wants to realize her vision of becoming an expert after overcoming financial obstacles to travel to Singapore.

It has not been simple to pursue STEM, but I’m excited. When I explained STEM and technology to the boys in my school, they responded,” But that’s only for kids.” How are female able to do this?

I explain to them that even though we are the only girls’ group, we still want to demonstrate that ladies can contribute to a better future. Up, girls and boys can create a better world.

Tenacious Losers, TEAM HOPE

Team Hope, which consists of refugees and stateless people, stated that they want to use technology to help their society create a better tomorrow and alter how the world views those who do not have homes.

Refugees are adaptable and ready, according to Ms. Yamama Al-Khatib, a 16-year-old member of the Arab team who wants to work in robotics engineering.

” Being a refugee is quite challenging; you must deal with numerous issues in order to carry on with your life.” However, she added,” As Team Hope, we’re doing everything we can to live that better life and change the way that migrants are perceived by the rest of the world.

Every time the word” immigrant” is used, you immediately picture houses and filthy, ignorant people. However, we want the world to understand that immigrants aren’t like that. We may succeed whenever we have a possibility, she continued.

In the 2019 version of the competition in Dubai, the team won as the opponent world leaders.

To support the group’s events and robotics training, women in their communities create robot-themed handweaving dolls that are sold.

Refugees may adopt the target attitude, according to team mentor Fadi Al-Haalabi, a neurosurgeon and Syrian refugee living in Lebanon, who believes it will be difficult or impossible for them to find employment in the future.

He asserted that in order to stay connected and create a better future, training and ongoing commitment with the global community are essential.

” As Syrians, it is crucial for us to consider( our future years.” This is a major catastrophe for us because there are so many young Palestinian refugees who are not in college, he said.

It is crucial to view training as the starting point for transforming the community, achieving dignity and value, and motivating the population to change its circumstances.


Bolivia encouraged equality while assembling its staff this year.

Over 40 % of the country’s population is from indigenous communities, where all five students are from.

They defeated over 3, 000 like-minded young people to win the nation’s biggest regional robotics opposition, earning the opportunity to visit Singapore.

Ms. Karen Orellanna Rodriguez is one of two crew members who are from smaller cities with fewer than 30,000 residents.

” I’m thrilled to get competing in this.” It makes me very happy to represent my group to see young people from all over the world, she said.

According to the team, regardless of age, sex, or place of birth, people can access technology and become proficient in it.

It aims to accomplish in the top three this year, surpassing next year’s fourth-place finish.


Kazakhstan, the winners of last year, claimed that their success sparked a wave of robotics illness in the nation.

The collection process for this year’s event included more than 1, 000 kids.

Nurdaulat Dosgambet, the team’s leader, claimed that success in the previous competition depended on knowledge sharing and teamwork.

” Learning is more important than winning; it’s not about winning.” Our machine wasn’t the best one, in my opinion. However, he claimed that our group was the best because we collaborated with other nations to achieve success.

” We must create the best robot ( device ).” But we need to get world and work together with other countries if we want to earn and succeed.

In an effort to keep their name, the group hopes to provide the same approach to the table this season.

The most crucial aspect of this occurrence is developing innovative abilities. However, he added,” I also hope that our people will give it their all to break the previous history. The crew set a record for scoring the most items in the contest next year.

Even outside of the contest, Mr. Dosgambet added, Kazakhstan’s technology talents collaborate with neighboring nations like Uzbekistan and Mongolia to advance technology and promote a culture of cooperative learning.

With jobs in remote areas devoted to teaching women how to code and create their own robots, he claimed, the nation is furthermore encouraging more people to learn and work in the field of automation.