Indonesia’s Jokowi to relocate to new capital Nusantara ahead of Independence Day in August

Joko Widodo, the president of Indonesia, intends to relocate to Nusantara ( IKN), the country’s new capital, as early as the end of June in preparation for the anticipated city’s inauguration on August 17 during the Independence Day celebrations.

When clean water becomes available in the government offices and ministerial housing complexes, Basuki Hadimuljono, the minister of public works and housing, told detikFinance on Monday ( Jun 3 ) that Mr. Widodo will move. &nbsp,

” God ready, Mr. President will begin working in the new capital city when the water source is available. On Jun 7, the water pump will appear in Balikpapan, be installed, and finally, the assembly will been completed by the end of June or early July”, said Mr Basuki at the National Palace Complex.

Balikpapan is the second most populous city in East Kalimantan, after the municipal investment Samarinda.

The development release comes amid the shock withdrawal of Mr Bambang Susantono, mind of the Nusantara Capital City Authority, along with his assistant, Mr Dhony Rahajoe. &nbsp,

Both technocrats were in charge of directing the growth of the proposal. &nbsp,

Mr. Widodo has assured the public that despite the setback, the development of his personal job will remain.

The state has been working diligently to construct the equipment needed for the transfer of the first shipment of 12, 000 civil servants in September. However, the program has been delayed twice, and the resignations were made as a result of a lack of private financing for the new money. &nbsp,

Mr Widodo is now on a working attend to Nusantara to launch various initiatives, including institutions such as Gunadarma University, Summarecon Al Azhar, and the Mentawir Hospital. &nbsp,

Mr. Basuki claimed that the 62-year-old president would reside in the governmental housing complex rather than a tent, which he had previously occupied.

Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi also announced to local press that the IKN aircraft had been operational starting on August 1. &nbsp,

In comparison to his most recent visit in April, Mr. Budi Karya noted major improvement on the airport and terminal buildings at the airports. &nbsp,

He also mentioned that the autonomous rail transit ( ART ) would be operational by August and ready for testing.

Moreover, the expert will examine the country’s earliest flying cars in July. &nbsp,

For a fortnight, testing will be held at the airport’s Samarinda Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto International. &nbsp,

The cars can have five people, placing Indonesia alongside places such as the United Arab Emirates, Slovakia, and Japan, which have begun identical tests. &nbsp,