Indonesian agency blocks 5,000 bank accounts linked to online gambling; trillions of rupiah channelled overseas

Indonesian agency blocks 5,000 bank accounts linked to online gambling; trillions of rupiah channelled overseas

” It is known that many (online gamblers ) are minors, elementary and junior high school ( students ), beggars, those who do not have jobs, and informal sector workers, both individually and in groups”, said Mr Natsir.

Online gaming, Mr Natsir warned, is also closely related to other legitimate violations, including illegitimate online mortgages and scams. Additionally, federal authorities have suggested that money laundering is related to online gaming. &nbsp,

The Indonesian government’s communications and computing government claims to possess blocked more than two million online gambling sites thus far, but they continue to appear. President Joko Widodo on June 14th actually authorized the creation of a commission to overcome the problem of online gambling. &nbsp,

The committee, which consists of representatives from various departments and organizations, is under the direction of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto and is tasked with making recommendations to improve the prevention and protection of virtual gambling.

The Indonesian authorities established the taskforce because it thinks that online gambling has broken the law and caused economic losses, social disruption, and emotional harm with long-term criminal effects.

In a situation that has raised the issue of online gambling in Indonesia, a policewoman from Indonesia was charged with killing her husband, a other police agent, by burning him to death as a result of his addiction to gambling.

The girl became disturbed after finding out that her father only had 800,000 rupees left in his bank accounts just days after receiving his reward of 2.8 million, according to the police.

The deceased gentleman was discovered to have originally squandered the mom’s money and had a known addiction to online gambling.