India’s Modi readies for third term after securing coalition

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Observers and exit polls had predicted a landslide victory for Modi, who was accused of leading the execution of opposition figures and violating the rights of India’s 200 million plus Arab community.

But the BJP secured 240 seats in parliament, also down from the 303 it won five years ago and 32 short of a lot on its own.

The primary opposition Congress party won 99 votes in a remarkable turn, nearly doubling its 2019 count of 52.

” Today’s experts are not as powerful as they were”, Christophe Jaffrelot, a professor at King’s College London, wrote in The Hindu regularly on Thursday.

Narendra Modi will have to enjoy the coalition game for the first time in his political job.

The outcome was a ballot against Modi and the material and type of his politicians, according to Congress party leader Mallikarjun Kharge.

At a meeting of the opposition alliance, he told group leaders,” It is a great social damage for him personally, aside from being a clear social beat as well.”

Modi was re-elected to his district in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi by a far smaller percentage of 152, 300 votes, in a specific sting. Compared to the almost half a million votes cast five years ago.

” Votes expressed a passion for the defence of democratic values and voter dignity”, Ashutosh Varshney, a political scientist at Brown University, wrote in the Indian Express on Thursday.

In light of a “rise of enmities and polarization in society, women’s worry about right, and the rapidly rising inequalities,” Varshney claimed Modi’s loss was a reflection of his concerns about what the “idea of India” meant to electors.