India heatwave sparks spate of fires, ignites calls for stricter safety regulation enforcement


However, soaring temperatures have more heightened the challenges of infernos.

In Delhi, fire facilities have responded to more than 330 names between January and June this year. In contrast, they responded to 550 names in the whole of next month.

The heat this season, with temperatures often rising past 45 degrees Fahrenheit, has sent Delhi’s energy consumption through the roof.

According to Mr. Kapoor, electric cables and air conditioners can malfunction when the temperature rises.

” The same may occur with transformers, because you have to many atmosphere- heating units running on transformers, and the transformers are not equipped to take so much weight. They will definitely lose out”, he added.

Many people are concerned that worse lava will happen soon.

” Authorities will only light up when there is a significant affair. Before that, they go about minding their own company”, New Delhi native Bhoora Singh told CNA.

” Only when someone significant happens did they accumulate to work.” ( A few days ) later, they will once again forget all about safety”, he added.