In Braddell, construction is causing this building to vibrate. Residents might have to endure it for many more years


Addressing CNA’s queries in regards to the inconvenience to occupants, the Land Transportation Authority (LTA) mentioned it has been engaging Braddell View MCST plus residents regularly in order to update them to the progress of the North-South Corridor construction along Marymount Road fronting Braddell View.  

It will “continue to engage them is to do more to improve the problem wherever possible”.  

In a letter sent to residents on Jun 21, which was seen by CNA, LTA outlined a good estimation of whenever major construction actions of the North-South Corridor in the vicinity of Braddell See would be complete, you start with the tunnel diaphragm wall works in 2024.

Tube construction is approximated to be completed in 2026, while the reinstatement from the road and opening of the North-South Hallway is estimated to become done in 2027, the letter stated.  

To reduce inconvenience to residents, LTA said it plans construction activities such that “relatively noisier works are performed in the day plus works cease by 10pm on most days”.  

“However, we seek the understanding of residents and stakeholders that works may occasionally have to go past 10pm pertaining to works which cannot be safely stopped and continued the next day, ” it added.  

“An instance is the ongoing works for (the) diaphragm wall which provides important support for subterranean structures. The functions involve deep excavation and pouring considerable amounts of concrete, and must be constructed in a single continuous operation with regard to safety reasons. ” 

LTA mentioned that it typically tools a series of mitigation measures during the various levels of construction, including at this site, to reduce construction-related noise.  

“For example at this site, noise enclosures and mufflers happen to be fitted on machineries to reduce noise levels. We will also be installing noise barriers at this location by Nov this year, ” LTA said.  

Nonetheless, LTA’s technicians are closely supervising the vibrations triggered to Braddell Look at, using data from monitoring equipment in the estate, said LTA. To date, the vibration emitted from the web site have been “within secure limits”.