I Not Stupid 3: When anxiety from obsessing over grades in school lasts well into adulthood

In I No Stupid 3, the conflict between two parents who will do anything to make their children succeed over the other is brought up by their single-minded achievement of success for their sons’ personal good, which comes at the expense of, also, their sons’ own good. &nbsp,

In fact, maybe three lines in the video greatest total up the show’s intended talking stage:” 22 years on, why do we certainly know our children better? 22 years on, why are families also obsessed with their children’s college results? Why do kids also prevent their children from having a happy and basic childhood 22 years later?

In common Jack Neo design, the storyline is very repetitive and a touch caricatured. But I had high expectations and did n’t believe it had to have drastically changed for me to learn something new. After all, it’s been 22 years&nbsp, – I’ve changed.

A various takeaway is typically produced by watching the same movie at different times throughout life, often driven by our own life experiences, beliefs, values, and also emotional range at that time. We do not observe things as they are, as the infamous saying goes. We perceive items as we are.

IF ADULTED Ideas ARE COMMUNAL Responsibilities,

While I No Stupid 3 rehashes the tried-and-true educational stress narrative that its now-adopted younger audience will be comfortable, the movie even delves a little deeper into the parents ‘ histories, touching on the deeper beliefs that underpin their obsession with their son’s results. &nbsp,

If I had seen this movie when I was younger, I would probably come to the conclusion that Tiger Parenting, a nation that fears losing out, creates mothers, and places unnecessary pressure on children. Stress is bad. Suffering is poor. Ban all education. And I would n’t be totally wrong. &nbsp,

However, I now realize that life’s experiences are seldom binary after almost 20 years since I left primary school, the first time I fully felt the suffocating pressure of performance. I’ve seen the damaging effects of carrying nicely- intended beliefs from fresh into adult – and, if we have children, into marriage. These beliefs are more frequently than not baggage, whether we bear it on ourselves or unintentionally on someone else.