How to tackle your child’s tantrums calmly: This mother became a parenting coach to do just that

How to tackle your child’s tantrums calmly: This mother became a parenting coach to do just that
How to tackle your child’s tantrums calmly: This mother became a parenting coach to do just that

She also urged parents to disengage from the notion that they must stop a outburst as quickly as possible.

” When the baby is screaming, there is no way you can discuss any sense into her. You will end up screaming at each other if you try to cry in addition to her cries.

” Alternatively, lay on one side and only tell her,’ I’m around and when you’re ready to talk to me, you may appear to me’. Finally, waited it out.

” If you wait it out, the anger will end very quickly … If you really day a child’s anger, it is only five to 10 days. After that, they will go from screaming to only weeping. When you can move in, speak to them about it, and help them relax,” she said.


Since tantrums are a normal part of a boy’s enhancement, do not expect positive parenting to reduce the frequency of fits. According to Xie, what it will do is make parents and children more enjoy the journey along.

If you scream at your baby every morning, spank your child, or get into a power struggle with your kids, how would you be able to fulfill your potential as a parent? she asked.

Parents raised in more authentic parenting may be more reluctant to adopt good parenthood for their children, but Xie encouraged them to believe long-term.

” Many of these difficult approaches have an instant short-term effect that wo n’t work on older children. And that is when you start to feel a break from the child,” she said.

That is what helped Xie stick to good parenthood. You ca n’t expect them to come to you with their problems when they’re 16 or 17 if you do n’t take the time and effort to coach, guide, or listen to their side of the story.

” At the end of the day, I do not want my young children to retreat from me, or to not tell me things,” Xie said.