How some preschools continue to serve healthy meals despite rising food costs


Among them is EtonHouse International, which has six main restaurants to provide to its 37 institutions across Singapore. &nbsp,
The Health Promotion Board’s nutrition recommendations for protein, fruits, and vegetables are included in the dishes prepared by the restaurants. &nbsp,
According to CEO Ng Yi-Xian of EtonHouse International Education Group,” we actually use at least 30 different vegetables forms in a restaurant that rotates after every month.” &nbsp,
” But from a child’s view, they only see one restaurant object once every month. Naturally, we regulate the glucose content of these foods and also monitor the carbohydrate content to adhere to the guidelines for healthy eating.
Mr. Ng added that food prices have increased by at least 10 % over the last few years.
The organization uses a dynamic sweet process to ensure that ingredients adhere to the necessary safety and quality standards for its suppliers. The change has enabled EtonHouse to provide cost-effective and nutritious foods.
Mr. Ng claimed that the business even conducts home inspections to make sure the children’s food preparation is secure. &nbsp,
” We have to make sure that our children have the right nutritional requirements if we want our children to grow up properly. So we do n’t skimp on that”, he said. &nbsp,
At another school, Sunny Bunny Montessori, mind make Lim Choon Huay prepares its foods on-site. She regulates the food’s salt and sugar content. &nbsp,
The college claimed that utilizing skilled cooks would help ensure that the children received the nutrients they needed.
To avoid paying shipping fees, daycare staff members have to go to wet markets every week to get annual fruits. &nbsp,
Ms Elizabeth View, a professor at the school, said the cost of food products such as egg, produce and meat, has risen by 10 to 20 per share due to inflation. &nbsp,
” We do not sacrifice on the nutritional value of the food that we serve to the children, but we do find suppliers who adhere to our standards for food, both in terms of the beauty and the value,” said one supplier.
Additionally, the school offers lessons that encourage healthy eating habits among young children.