How do schools deal with students who become aggressive? Teachers speak out after St Andrew’s incident


In the wake of the St Andrew’s incident, several social media users asked what disciplinary strategies schools and instructors can take against learners who misbehave.  

Schools may institute detention, suspension and corrective neighborhood service, depending on the circumstances of each case, MOE said.

“For serious offences, like a last resort, caning may be carried out meant for boys, ” it said.

A police report is going to be made for certain offences as required underneath the Criminal Procedure Code,   MOE stated. These offences consist of housebreaking, murder and voluntarily causing harm in committing thievery.   Appropriate assistance will be given to guarantee the well-being of the student under police investigation, it additional.

Students becoming aggressive towards educators is not uncommon, especially in secondary schools, instructors told CNA.  

The instructors said that when an occurrence involving an instructor happens, the school’s disciplinary committee would typically be informed. Counselling usually goes hand in hand with other disciplinary activities, they added.  

Some universities require both the teacher and student to write a statement.  

Parents are also informed. The school after that has some options within deciding on the disciplinary action, depending on just how minor or major the offence can be.  

Students may be let away with a warning, especially if it’s their first-time displaying such conduct.  

“More often than not, an apology to the affected party will be part of the consequences, inch Jamie said.  

It could be a personal apology or apologising to the class in a formal setting attended by the discipline learn, she said.  

“This is definitely one of the things that I have experienced happen, which is useful because you put them in the same position where they disrupted then tried to assert energy … the significance of the situation will never be taken away, ” the lady said.  

When it comes to repeat offences, in-house suspension is definitely an option.

Which means that students will have to arrive in school but never go to classes or even join their close friends during recess, the particular teachers said. Additionally they may not be able to symbolize their school in competitions.  

“For some college students, that works because they need the classroom environment, they need their buddies. So it’s torture for them to know that they cannot perform recess with their close friends but they are still at school, ” said Rachel, who has been teaching for more than 10 years.  

They might also be asked not to turn up in school in any way, which means an at-home suspension.  

While caning can also be an option for kids, the teachers who have spoke to CNA said this is generally done in private, which it doesn’t happen often in their schools.  

“Nowadays they have angling less and less towards caning. So it’s more the route of guidance, suspension, reflection, ” said Nick, that has been an instructor for nine yrs.  

In Alan’s school, the particular disciplinary action depends upon what student’s intent and his offence.  

“For example, if your intention right from the start would be to cause hurt after which you really cause harm – we may walking cane, we may suspend, ” he said.  


When such incidents take place, teachers may have complications containing their emotions, Rachel said.  

Once, students shouted at her to “watch her tone” when she reprimanded him.

“When a student boosts his or her voice in the teacher, it is normal for the teacher to boost our voice as well. So it’s very hard for all of us to really calm yourself down and talk normally because it can unexpected that they talk to us like this, inch she said.  

Similarly, Chip said that while being the adult as well as a professional in the situation means that they must know how to deal with themselves, it is not constantly easy.  

“We have to know learn how to remove ourselves through such situations, but you know, arguments can occur … that’s the dangerous thing for instructors, ”   this individual said.  

“So if that occurs and it’s recorded, we are always in trouble initial because we are the particular adults, but it does not mean that teachers do lose their cool. ”

He or she added that a few parents can be protective regardless of the situation.  

“The parent may keep stating ‘oh but your teacher did this, your teacher did that’, so parents furthermore sometimes don’t ensure it is easy, ” he said.  

While they are not standard, such parents create things a “nightmare” for schools.