Honduran official: US govt ‘respects’ decision to seek China relations

TEGUCIGALPA: The US government said it “respects” Honduras’ decision to move towards establishing formal diplomatic ties with China, the Honduran Foreign Minister Enrique Reina said on Monday (Mar 20) after a meeting with US officials.

Reina said Honduras’ President Xiomara Castro made “general comments” on the decision during the meeting attended by different officials such as US Special Presidential Adviser for the Americas Chris Dodd.

Castro announced last week the country would seek diplomatic ties with Beijing, a move that risks further reducing Taiwan’s pool of allies as China does not allow countries with which it has diplomatic relations to maintain official ties with Taiwan.

China claims Taiwan as its own territory with no right to state-to-state ties, a position Taiwan strongly disputes.

Since 2016, when Tsai Ing-wen was elected Taiwan’s president, Panama, El Salvador and most recently, Nicaragua, have opted to establish relations with China.