Holy men playing peculiar roles in Ukraine’s unholy war – Asia Times

The Russian Orthodox Church has approved a statement describing Russia’s” specific military activity” as a sacred conflict, arguing that all of Ukraine may be Russia’s special zone of influence.

Said Ismagilov, one of Ukraine’s leading Muslim frontrunners, joined the military forces to fight against Russia’s large war, claiming a Biblical justification for his choice. Moscow’s chief priest, Pinchas Goldschmidt, fled Russia after refusing the offer of state officials to make a common statement in support of the war.

Just a few instances of the way that Ukrainian religious leaders are reacting to the conflict. It has been popular for nations at war to claim that God is with them all through past. The amount and size of active involvement by some religious leaders in this discord, however, is excellent.

Democratic officials have turned to their respective religious societies for assistance in both Russia and Ukraine. Spiritual leaders have occasionally offered explicit support to their countries ‘ allies while wearing clothes and actually putting on clothes while serving in the armed forces, giving important evidence of legitimacy for their respective places ‘ positions on the war. In other instances, spiritual leaders have eluded political parties in order to get factors.

During the battle, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has enjoyed the highest public acclaim of any of the leaders of the main denominations in Russia or Ukraine.

Kirill has been a significant source of support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan to support” traditional family values,” despite having long-standing ties to the Soviet security services.

Putin has argued that Russian conventional beliefs may be diluted or actually replaced by the more “decadent” views prevalent in the West, such as compassion for LGBTQ privileges, including homosexual marriage.

Kirill serves a crucial support to the Kremlin by evoking Putin’s initiatives to support the war of Ukraine in addition to leading a religion that blesses Russia’s troops and weapons on their way to battle.

Among them are cites of Prince Volodymyr of Kiev’s conversion to Christianity in 988 as the birthplace of Russia and the origin of Russia’s say to Ukraine.

Kirill is even fighting to regain power over a network of Catholic churches that span the former Soviet Union and beyond, which is robbing Catholic community areas around the world.

They are all placed under the control of the Moscow Patriarchate according to religion rules. This view is actively opposed in a number of nations, including Ukraine, where the Catholic church abdicated Soviet rule after the Crimean peninsula was annexed.

Conservative people pray near the dirt in Kyiv’s historic city of Kyiv. The monastery, which was in line with the Russian Orthodox church, was destroyed by Ukrainian officials. &nbsp, Photo: EPA via The Conversation / Sergey Dolzhenko

Since the Russian war first started, there has been concern about how faith is being used for social purposes. The Russian government has taken measures to seize command of churches that have continued to adhere to Moscow in religious matters, fearing a second paragraph of Russian supporters.

Russian Orthodox churches have been destroyed and churches and their priests have been subjected to retribution in lands occupied by Russian troops.

Another belief leaders

Orthodoxy is the main church in both Russia and Ukraine, but another religious leaders have also taken strong positions on the conflict.

Moshe Reuven Azman, the general Rabbi of Ukraine, combines his philanthropic work for Jews who have been displaced by the conflict with claims that are publicly refuting Russia’s statements that Ukraine is ruled by Germans.

For Azman, opposing the combat means taking care of the material needs of other Jews as well as opposing Moscow’s attempts to use the Holocaust and the Second World War for its own purposes.

Although Muslims are believed to make up only about 4 % of the just under 40 million population, they and their leaders actively support Ukraine’s war effort.

Some people believe that fighting Russia’s invasion is a protest against the harsh treatment they and their ancestors have received from Moscow as well as a matter of Russian loyalty.

The majority of Russian Islamists are Crimean Tatars, who were forced to flee as retribution for alleged treachery during the Second World War. Although some finally managed to return to Crimea, in 2014 some Tatars fled Russian command of the island, while those that have remained face coercion, arrest and relaxed cruelty.

Russians are actively encouraged to settle in Crimea by Moscow. Between 2014 and 2018, according to official Russian figures, some 247, 000 Russians had moved to Crimea. In order to give legitimacy to the claim that Crimea is a genuine Russian territory and to elect a politically loyal population there, Putin has made this a policy.

But while Ismagilov, mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine, serves as a medic in the Ukrainian military wearing combat fatigues, Russia’s chief mufti Talgat Tadzhuddin has called upon Muslims to take Russia’s side in the war, describing it as a holy jihad.

There are Muslims fighting on both sides of this conflict, which makes matters even more complicated. Soldiers devoted to Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya, fight for Russia. Chechens who fight in separate units affiliated with the Ukrainian military do so. These men hope to help Russia suffer a significant blow and gain valuable experience and skills for a future armed conflict to achieve independence.

The motives of religious leaders and their communities reflect this conflict’s complexity. The war offers Patriarch Kirill an opportunity to consolidate both sacred and secular authority. The majority of Ukraine’s and Russia’s chief rabbis see it as a moral test and a matter of principle, both in their own and in their own eyes. It is a chance for the Crimean Tatars and the Chechens to reclaim their lost homeland for the Ukrainians who are fighting for Ukraine.

The convergence of religion and politics defies simple explanations, like so many other aspects of this conflict.

Jennifer Mathers is Senior Lecturer in International Politics, Aberystwyth University

This article was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.