Heard of ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS? What does Stage 0 breast cancer mean and how is it treated?

In reality, the vast majority of DCIS is detected via mammography screening, added Dr Ong.

In Singapore, examinations are recommended for people aged 40 and over. Women between the ages of 40 and 49 may receive one yearly, which can be reduced to once every two years when they reach the age of 50. &nbsp,

According to Dr. Ng of Alexandra Hospital, people who regularly undergo standard, age-appropriate mammographic testing are “more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at the DCIS pre-cancerous level with better success result.”

Get into the habit of getting regular BSE five to seven weeks after your ovulation at the age of 20. Assoc Prof. Lim advised post-menopausal women to take their BSE on the same day of each quarter.


According to Dr. Ng, finding a breast tumor is one of the most pervasive symptoms of DCIS, particularly in women under 40.

Other signs of DCIS include terrible nipples and changes in the body, similar to those seen in breasts cancer, according to Dr. Ow.

A less common rash, known as Paget’s disease of the nipple ( or of the breast ), manifests as eczema-like adjustments to the body of the nose and aorta. ” This skin change, unlike dermatitis, is persistent despite topical medical treatment”, said Dr Ng.


Dr. Video claimed that the treatment of DCIS is less complicated than that of invasive breast cancer.

The mainstay is surgery, which can include lumpectomy ( removal of the breast tumour ) or mastectomy ( removal of the whole breast ). Dr. Ng claimed that the goal is to get rid of the DCIS and get” clear profits,” or having no tumor cells at the tissue’s outside edges.

In the case of a cancer, radiotherapy may be required to handle the remainder of the breasts tissues following surgery, according to Dr. Ow.

According to Dr. Ng, oncoplastic shoulder surgery combined with radiation is also a viable option. This approach combines plastic surgery methods with breast cancer surgery to remove the tumor while maintaining the breast’s natural contours.