Hawker behind beef noodle chain Horiginal plans to close outlets and focus on new prawn mee stall

At its top, Horiginal had nine sources. It now has four remaining sources at Telok Blangah, ⁠Hougang, ⁠West Mall and ⁠Jurong and all their contracts are set to expire next month. Unless business picks up, Ho said he does n’t plan to renew the leases.

He attributed the lack of business to COVID- 19 lockdowns and a general decline in the demand for beef noodles to bad footfall.

The people who ate the meat noodles returned, but our reaction was pretty good, according to the chef. However, he claimed that the market for meat pasta is quite small, and that we are selling theirs for S$ 5. He explained that steak costs more than S$ 10 per kilogram compared to meat, which can be purchased for half the price. &nbsp,

Ho added:” Beef noodles is certainly a common food, and my sites are poor. Our monthly rent and utilities total more than five characters, so it’s incapabable to keep this company.


This day, he invested around S$ 20, 000 into Sixth Avenue Porky Prawn Noodle. Is he concerned that this innovative barn will burn him once more? Ho thinks it’s worth the risk.

” I’m always looking for affordable and good food, and I believe I provide affordable and great food. But I firmly believe there’s also a possibility”, he said. &nbsp,