Girls rescued from drug-dealer mum

Officials in Udon Thani monday rescued two babies allegedly forced by their family to provide medicines, said Kanthat Pongpaiboonvej, alias” great Samaritan” Kan Chompalang.

After their 17-year-old girl reached out to Mr. Kanthat for assistance, he said he had alerted authorities in the northern province to look into and prepare the rescue of the 13- and 5-year-old girls.

According to data from the older sister, their 37-year-old mom forced her younger daughters to buy the drugs because youthful offenders encounter lower sanctions, he said.

Additionally, according to reports, the young ladies were given a packet containing five meth pills after the new drug policy was implemented, and those who wanted to buy more were instructed to bring them home, he said.

People who have no more than five meth supplements are classified as medication users under the new drug policy if they consent to provide rehab.

The eldest sister contacted Mr. Kanthat because she worried about their health and that their mom allegedly threatened them, and that she did not like her sisters to end up as medication retailers. Additionally, she likewise sent him photos and video clips to back up her state.

Mr Kanthat, who monday met Pol Col Pattanawong Chanpol, director of Muang Udon Thani authorities place, said police and cultural welfare officials raided the house and found the mother, the two young girls, a 3- year- ancient boy, and their bed- driven grandfather.

He claimed that the family admitted using and selling medications but that she did not make her children do so. The ladies were being looked after by social security officers.