Gan Kim Yong ‘not quite 4G’ but ‘grateful and humbled’ by request to serve as DPM

He may continue to focus on financial issues and assist with companies and ministries in navigating the “increasingly complicated challenges” that lie ahead of Singapore. &nbsp,

According to Mr. Gan, he will work with Mr. Heng and Mr. Wong to integrate a whole-of-government approach to formulate and implement crucial policies. &nbsp,

I’ll work with DPM Heng to give my best to the Prime Minister and to my younger coworkers in any way I can to create a solid group that will propel us forward.

Mr. Heng expressed his happiness over Mr. Wong’s appointment of Mr. Gan as Deputy Prime Minister during a media conference on Monday. &nbsp,

” I’ve known Kim Yong since my entrance into politics, but we’ll work very closely up, both of us”, said Mr Heng, adding that he worked closely with Mr Gan when they recently led the ministers of finance and heath between. &nbsp,

Mr. Wong acknowledged that the present Minister for Trade and Industry is” not very 4G” in response to a topic about his main considerations in choosing Mr. Gan to be his deputy prime minister. &nbsp,

” But that’s okay, because … I am looking at ensuring continuity and balance while renewing the team”, Mr Wong continued. &nbsp,

” And I think, for me, during this initial period of transition, it will be helpful to have two more experienced officials as my delegates”.

Mr Wong and Mr Gan “went through the COVID baptism of fire up”, and the latter was a “pillar of power throughout”, said the past. &nbsp,

Mr. Gan said that Mr. Gan’s expertise in global economics will enable Singapore to survive the more contentious world environment. &nbsp,

According to the former, Mr. Heng and Mr. Wong both worked for the ministries of funding and training in 2011. &nbsp,

As experienced ministers, both Mr Gan and Mr Heng may “provide a solid hand” in this first transition period, and enable to coach younger social officeholder colleagues. &nbsp,

” I’m happy they will be supporting me as my delegates”, said Mr Wong, adding that he values their counsel and guidance. &nbsp,

In response to a question about the public’s expectation of a 4G DPM, Mr. Wong responded that there are a number of 4G ministers who are” all doing well.” Some of them have more government experience, while others are” still quite new.” &nbsp,

” I think it’s a topic of balancing between stability, security and renewal”, he continued, adding that this Cabinet’s goal is to focus on issues that concern Singaporeans, including the cost of living and work. &nbsp,

In the funds for this year, we have implemented a number of efforts. Through the remainder of this administration, we may continue to discover what else we can do.