Founders’ Memorial launches exhibition on Singapore’s history, features documents on split from Malaysia


“What we try to do differently in this exhibition is to bring out the lesser-known stories,” said Founders’ Memorial curator Wong Lee Min. 

“So for instance, when we come to the exhibition, you can find out a bit more about the dilemmas that were faced by our founding leaders and generation, the kinds of sacrifices that they had to make, in order to move the nation forward.”

Getting the public to contribute artefacts has been a priority for the Founders’ Memorial team.

Their open call for objects and stories about Singapore in its early years received more than 900 submissions, including a photo of Singapore’s first Social Affairs Minister Othman Wok overseeing the construction of the former National Stadium in Kallang. 

“As his daughter and representing the family, it’s natural that I would like to share as much as I can, to the best of my knowledge about my late father,” said Madam Lily Othman, daughter of the late pioneering leader. 

“This is for the benefit of the present and future generation, so they can understand the value and respect what our Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his cabinet members went through to make Singapore what it is today.”