Former SAF regular gets jail and caning for raping 13-year-old girl, cries in the dock

A former Singapore Armed Forces ( SAF ) regular was given a 10-year prison sentence and 12 strokes on the cane on Wednesday ( Sep 25 ) for raping a 13-year-old girl at a staircase landing when he was twice her age.

Muhammad Mohamed Iqbal, who is now 29 and is more in the military, cried in the port during trials, dabbing at his gaze with tissue papers.

He pleaded guilty to one count of assault by intranasal penetration, and one count of possessing child maltreatment materials.

There are widely three types of murder under Section 375: Penile-vaginal, penile-anal and penile-oral. If a victim is under 14 years old, it applies with or without the defendant’s permission. &nbsp,

A maximum sentence of 20 years and a good or punishment are the sanctions for all three murder sorts.

Muhammad held the rank of Military Expert 1 ( ME1 ) at the time of his arrest, &nbsp, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence ( MINDEF ) told CNA on Thursday. &nbsp,

He was suspended from all obligations after being charged in 2023 and “ceased to be employed by the SAF” that time, said the director.

THE Event

Muhammad got to know the target in 2020 on chat software Telegram, when they were both in a class talk with more than 1, 000 people.

He started a personal conversation with the child, calling herself” Crimson.” She told him she was 13 and they began chatting.

Muhammad insulted her in sexually inappropriate ways and sent her an uninspiring pictures of his privates.

The woman decided to stop communicating with him after she removed the app from her mobile.

But, when she reinstalled the game in July 2021, Muhammad sent her a text apologising for his behavior.

The child apologized, and they kept talking. Muslim lied to her, saying that he was an 18-year-old technical pupil named Zachary.

After chatting electronically for a while, the two began talking about sexual topics and engaged in “phone sex,” with the child sending Muslim photos of herself at his request.

In July and August 2021, he made the lady meet him half.

On Aug 20, 2021, the couple met at a park at about 6.20am before heading to a stairway getting on Muhammad’s idea as it was raining.

The lady informed him that she was concerned about her research papers, which she would be taking afterwards. Muhammad touched her and praised her writing in her review notes during the course of the conversation.

Then he demanded that she do a sexual act on him. The woman claimed she had to leave for school, but Muhammad persuaded her to stay and continue.

A local National man, 47, looked out of his smooth and observed the survivor in her school dress sexual act on Muhammad at around 7.10am that time.

He called the police, claiming that he had witnessed a schoolgirl performing sexual acts and that she “does never look joyful… doing it.”

The lady rushed off to college, but her mother called in the evening, claiming a police report had been filed against her.

The girl’s mother had given her instructions to bypass Muhammad on Telegram after the victim had declined an invitation to his house after her instructions that day.

Using the defendant’s consideration, the girl’s family contacted Muhammad.

Muhammad after confronted the victim and said he felt betrayed, after which he removed his profile image and deleted his communications. He later admitted that a police report had been filed against him.

He was arrested on Aug 23, 2021. A total of 19 vulgar video recordings were found in his mobile, with nine depicting kids.


Along with six cane-swappings, deputy public prosecutor’s Colin Ng and June Ngian demanded a prison sentence of between nine and eight months and ten times and 10 weeks.

According to Mr. Ng, it is “apparent that the accused’s behavior was motivated by a deliberate choice to fulfill his intimate urges.”

Muslim lied to be 18 when he discovered she was 13 and began having sexual relations with her after discovering she was 13 because he feared the woman would stop talking to him if he revealed his true age.

Justice Valerie Thean questioned Mr. Ng about his distribution for six wood strokes rather than 12, as permitted by a sentencing framework.

Mr. Ng claimed that the prosecution had taken into account both his guilty plea and his “relatively fresh time” at the time.


Ramachandran Shiever Subramanium, a defense attorney for Grays Law Firm, requested nine years in prison and four wood strikes in the end.

He claimed that his customer has apologized and acknowledged his guilt as soon as possible. Any word should not have a crushing influence on Muhammad, who is” worthy of rehabilitation”, said the lawyer.

” The accused admits his mistakes and concedes that being older than the prey, he should have known better”, said Mr Subramanium, as his client cried in the wharf.

” He admits that being older, he should have been more in control of his emotions”.

He claimed that Muhammad requested psychiatric care after being arrested because he felt sorry and voluntarily went to the Institute of Mental Health ( IMH).

He participated in charity work to assist the less fortunate and was given a counseling referral.

” In his mind, he takes it as a road to redemption for his mistakes”, said the attorney. He has never been on the wrong end of the rules. He is deeply depressed, spending sleepless nights facing the prospect of ( jail )”.

Mr Subramanium added that the whole process has had” a painful effect” on his client, who is “in agony”, has” secluded himself” and is” no more the cheerful personal he was”.

The attorney said the lawyer’s” the collapse of his mom on hearing his culpability has greatly affected him.” He expresses regret for putting his home through quite a difficult time and for tarnishing his family’s reputation. That in itself is abuse”.

He continued,” It will be dishonorably discharged from the army and stigmatized for the rest of his life that Muhammad is resigned to.”

He said his client was” an excellent man in the army”, generally good and well-liked by his contemporaries, supervisors and employees.

” He’s now come to realise he’s destroyed a possible bright future in the army”, said Mr Subramanium. ” He wishes that if he could turn back time, he had”.

The defense even asserted that Muhammad met the target that day because he was concerned about her suicidal thoughts.

Mr. Ng refuted this, claiming that despite his genuine concern, he should have called the government to inform the target so that she could seek professional assistance.

Otherwise, he exploited the lady, who was already vulnerable, by forcing her to do the sexual act on him during the “purported counseling treatment,” according to Mr. Ng.

The two costs showed a popular theme- Muhammad’s physical proclivities with kid victims.

” Sentencing is hardly a form of spiritual accounting”, Mr Ng said, referring to the defence’s obedience on Muhammad’s charity work. ” People who do good deeds should n’t be able to make up for their crimes.”

Justice Thean instead of sticking to the punishment construction used, ordered twice the amount of strokes of the cane requested by the trial and three times the number requested by the defense.

According to the MINDEF director,” the SAF holds its services personnel to higher standards of skill and integrity.”

She said that” support staff who commit crimes may become dealt with in accordance with the law.”