Foreigners arrested for illegally running daycare, wakeboarding centre

Foreigners arrested for illegally running daycare, wakeboarding centre
Tourist officers pose with the Soviet lady, seated, who was arrested on Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, on Wednesday. ( Photo: police )

Looking THANI: On Wednesday, a number of foreigners were detained for allegedly operating a childcare center and a wakeboarding services center on Koh Phangan.

A 26-year-old Russian woman and an 18-year-old Burmese woman were detained at a home while receiving unusual children for daycare, according to tourist police.

The Russian girl admitted to the police that she had been residing in the country on a tourist visa and had worked there for three weeks. The Myanmar girl claimed to have worked there as a companion for more than a year. The officers are now looking for a Belarusian woman who worked for them, according to the women’s claims.

Forth Wake Park, which offers wakeboarding companies on the southern holiday island, was likewise raided by police. The factory, which opened in December last year, was improperly operated by a Russian person. He was also on a visitor immigration while he was there.

The Russian was discovered using a Ukrainian and a Romanian person to construct restrooms at the facility during the attack.

Except for the Myanmar girl, who was charged with omitting her employment and place of employment, all four foreigners were charged with unlawful employment.

Police assault the Russian gentleman, left, on charges of unlawful work on Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, on Wednesday. ( Photo: police )