Foreign minister calls for EU support on Myanmar crisis

Foreign minister calls for EU support on Myanmar crisis

Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, the foreign minister, has requested assistance from the European Union ( EU) in resolving the Myanmar crisis.

At the 24th Asean-EU Ministerial Meeting ( AEMM) in Brussels, Belgium, on Friday, he made the request.

Mr. Parnpree urged a coordinated strategy to preserving peace and stability in the face of the numerous international conflicts that are testing the earth during the conference, which discussed diplomatic relations between Asean and the EU.

In the hopes that the EU will assist Thailand in charitable efforts, Mr. Parnpree cited the situation in Myanmar as a first small step toward constructive dialogue between all parties there and the global areas in the hope of reaching an agreement.

He claimed that” Asean and the EU can work together to bring about changes.”

To create an Asean-EU proper cooperative partnership, we must demonstrate our commitment to working with all parties worldwide, according to Mr. Parnpree.

” We think the EU has a free, open, rules-based, and inclusive vision for the Indo-Pacific,” according to the Asean perspective on the region ( Aoip ).

To help Asean and the EU grow even more, Mr. Parnpree also requested assistance and funding for cutting-edge, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting power, transportation, modern technology systems.

He claimed that in the future, a powerful fresh Thai- EU Free Trade Area may be created with better facilities, much transportation connectivity, and greater trade facilitation.