Food delivery riders question ban from passenger lifts at some CBD buildings

This problem was lately raised by SGRiders, an lobbying group for shipping users. In order to change the procedure at the tower, the party contacted OCBC, the owner and manager of Bank of Singapore Centre, in July.

SGRiders claimed in a plea sent to the building management that food delivery riders must have passes to use the cargo lift to get to the offices.

At Bank of Singapore Centre, users have to discuss one cargo lift that serves 22 floors with vendors and other delivery staff, which causes” major difficulties” when delivering food, the party said.

In comparison, other guests to the building are generally allowed to employ customer lifts, according to the complaint signed by 16&nbsp, riders.

The team wrote in the plea that” we kindly request that you relook your building plan and allow us to use the customer lifts” because food supply users are not carrying large equipment.

Due to the lift restrictions, SGRiders continued,” now some food supply users avoid delivering” to Bank of Singapore Centre.

” We’ve also noticed that other nearby buildings have recognized this potential problem and made it easier for food delivery users to enter the office carpets.”


Service lifts are the “most effective opportunity” for the riders, according to OCBC Property Services ‘ manager, Mr. Alloysius Goh, who is overseeing the Bank of Singapore Centre’s passenger lifts, which are frequently used during high traffic hours.

” The company raise, which is also used by repair and shipment delivery employees, is a healthy choice given its proximity to parking services”, he said.

Tenants are also encouraged to join supply users to obtain food purchases on the ground surface.

On July 29, OCBC Property Services and SGRiders members met to talk about the situation.

Some possible answers were discussed, Mr Goh said. &nbsp,

The two users said their preferred option is a ground-floor drop-off place, calling the conference with OCBC Property Services “productive.”

Riders would save time by not waiting for lifts or customers to occur, but they can leave their orders it once they have reached the building.

When wireless shipping was the standard during the COVID-19 pandemic, this was a common practice at different buildings.