Flexible work arrangements a key focus of Singapore’s new workers compact: Labour chief Ng Chee Meng

“I think we are making good progress in the workers compact, but there will be some coordination needed as we finalise and consolidate the report. We want to share this with our tripartite partners, both the employers and very importantly, the government,” he said.

This ensures that workers’ voices are heard as Singapore’s fourth generation, or 4G, of political leadership forges a new social compact for the country.


Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) will be a focus in the new workers compact, as NTUC looks to better define the type of work and salaries to help specific groups such as caregivers.

He said the labour movement empathises with their needs, especially those of working mothers, noting that they face stresses from “the pressures of work, career and sometimes not just aged parents, but kids as well”.

“We think that flexible work arrangements, structured and flexible, in a more negotiable fashion with employers where both sides have a good understanding of what FWA means (and) how we can tailor needs, would be very helpful,” said Mr Ng.