Fico shooter: not a lone wolf after all? – Asia Times

Minister of the Interior Mats&nbsp, Sutaj Estok, announced that an analytical group had been established in connection with the assassination attempt against Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. The investigative group’s starting place is that Fico ‘s&nbsp, shooter was not a lone wolf.

Fico was hit with four guns next Wednesday. Now, his doctors at the medical reported that he was in good health and secure.

The secretary of&nbsp, the inside said:

Two days after the death effort, all&nbsp, Facebook and communication story of the&nbsp, perpetrator&nbsp, was deleted from his home system. &nbsp, The suspect himself could not do it, because he was &nbsp, detained on the spot. The researchers established that&nbsp, his spouse could not reach the That products either. &nbsp, So, the brain of the government believes that the&nbsp, chance that a team is behind the crime may be taken into account. &nbsp,

Matús Sutaj Estok did not specify which team he was referring to, therefore giving ample&nbsp, room for speculation. &nbsp, But, it was Matús Sutaj Estok who, two days ago, &nbsp, most positively asserted that the offender had no&nbsp, partners, that he alone planned and carried out the attempted death.

Now there is the fear that he had at least one friend, someone who had access to the IT equipment stored in the gunman’s room.

If someone had had remote access, it probably would n’t have needed to be done by entering the apartment. But even in that case, access may be made only with the cooperation of the owner of the computer, evidently doubtful as the shooter, &nbsp, 71- year- ancient Juraj Cintula was under arrest.

The common problem at this time may be asked: in whose&nbsp, attention was the attempted murder of Fico? There is no doubt that&nbsp, Fico was an “unpleasant” politician, for both Brussels and&nbsp, Washington, mostly because he stopped military aid&nbsp, to Ukraine and opposed the progression of the combat –&nbsp, calling instead for a peace and harmony talks.

Of course, this does not indicate that the extended hand&nbsp, of Washington, the CIA, is behind the death. But they do n’t see it that way in Moscow. &nbsp,

Dmitry&nbsp, Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security&nbsp, Council, who is famous for his candor, sent a&nbsp, message to the rest of the world:” Is it really amazing that for the first time in decades in Europe there was an assassination attempt against a PM who held a sensible stand on Russia? And hardly a pro- Soviet one, for that matter, only a pragmatic and not a Russophobe”, the Russian said via X, a Telegraph network and the Russian media media.

Medvedev continued,” When comparing the Fico gunman to Gavrilo Princip, who is said to have sparked World War I by assassinating the Archduke Ferdinand, Medvedev continued:

Well, the killer is a brutal rogue from among the intellectuals, a certain spinney- turvy version of Gavrilo Princip. Yes, he was n’t fond of Fico, and would write some crap. However, his action stands for the quintessential new Europe, moronically Russophobic, feudatory unbridled, and completely brainless, devoid of any desire to grasp the simplest things, ready to throw its citizens into the furnace of self- serving American politics, the Europe of detestable degenerates with no knowledge of their own history.

The Russian politician said that French President&nbsp, Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, &nbsp, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula von der&nbsp, Leyen– who do not share Fico’s views on the Ukraine War–” can so far feel safe for their skins”. He repeated” So far”.

Whatever one might think of Medvedev’s statement, there are multiple signs that a serious conspiracy is not&nbsp, out of the question. There are things that must be clarified for those who follow the investigation in Slovakian news accounts.

For example, the assassination took place on&nbsp, Wednesday last week, but the competent judge did not&nbsp, allow the police to search Cintula’s apartment until&nbsp, Friday. Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister&nbsp, Robert Kalinák could not give any explanation for this. &nbsp,

Furthermore, there was no ambulance at the scene, even&nbsp, though it was very far from the capital, there was no hospital available nearby. Fico had to be taken&nbsp, by helicopter to another city.

Fico was dragged into his&nbsp, service car in a way that could worsen the victim’s condition&nbsp, in the case of such a serious injury. &nbsp, No escape routes were designated at the scene. The&nbsp, clothing of the security men was also unsatisfactory. &nbsp, They were wearing street shoes, even though they&nbsp, should have been wearing the usual field shoes at this&nbsp, time.

The security guards let Fico move forward when the prime&nbsp, minister approached the cordon, which is also against the&nbsp, rules” The security guards should have gotten there first. &nbsp,

On the other side of the cordon, in the crowd, Slovakian news reports add, there were&nbsp, no security people to watch the people&nbsp, from behind or blend into the crowd.

According to experts, at least three or four seconds were&nbsp, needed for the five shots fired. During this time, no one&nbsp, intervened. Cintula was pulled down by the police and security personnel shortly after the assassination.

The journalist Peter G Feher writes for Magyar Hrlap from Budapest. &nbsp, This report first appeared on&nbsp, Stephen Bryen’s Substack Weapons and Strategy&nbsp, and is republished with kind permission.