End of exile for ex-red shirt leader

End of exile for ex-red shirt leader
Jakrapob: Up after 15 times

After 15 years of self-imposed exile, past PM’s Office minister and former red top head Jakrapob Penkair did now travel back to Thailand.

Writing on Facebook tuesday, Mr Jakrapob said:” On March 28 at 7.35am, I may return to serve the country.’ ‘

The announcement was welcomed by his friends and supporters.

Winyat Chatmontri, a attorney representing former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, posted:” I wish you have a healthy vacation”.

Chinnawat Haboonpad, a previous reddish- top president and former Pheu Thai Party MP, wrote:” Welcome. Do n’t leave worldview.”

During the Thaksin state from 2003 to 2005, Mr. Jakrapob held the position of PM’s Office secretary under the 2008 Samak Sundaravej supervision.

For a speech he gave at the Thai Foreign Correspondents Club on August 29, 2007, authorities accused him of breaking Part 112 of the Criminal Code, or the der guess rules. He left Thailand in 2009 and entered self-imposed banishment.

The lese majeste charge was dropped by the public in September 2011, but following the coup, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO ) called Mr. Jakrapob to appear before the NCPO. But, he was still abroad and failed to show up.