Durian supply down by 20% due to rainy weather, but prices stable for now

Durian supply down by 20% due to rainy weather, but prices stable for now
Durian supply down by 20% due to rainy weather, but prices stable for now


The Malaysian citrus season runs from May to August, usually during the peak season. &nbsp,
However, Indonesian exporters have noticed a delay in the edible harvest this year, many attributed it to the erratic weather. They expressed concern that the fruit’s quantity and quality may be impacted by the weather’s varying climate conditions. &nbsp,
There are times during which dealers get a large supply of durians, according to the owner of the 227 Katong Durian business, who just wanted to be known as Ah Loon. &nbsp,
” Then out of a sudden, like today, ( there is ) 60 per cent less in supply”, he added. “( It goes ) high and low, high and low for this year”.
When CNA visited a number of edible stores along Geylang Road, they were all buzzing with activity. &nbsp,
According to the dealers that, they sell about 100 boxes of durians on a daily basis. They are happy with the profits so far, despite the fact that the amount is still lower than last year. &nbsp,
The Musang King has remained in the top 10 for edible fans this season. &nbsp,
This citrus selection costs between US$ 27 and US$ 38, which is roughly the same as it did last year.
” The Musang King is really more flavourful. Everyone enjoys the sweetness and bitterness of the citrus, according to Mr. Charlie Phua, company development director at dealer Durian Supply. &nbsp,
Clients are also purchasing more dark shrimp, black hawthorn, and golden phoen varieties. &nbsp,
” During edible season, there’s more folks eating, because every kind of edible is nice”, said Mr Kang Tian Pao, income aide at Great Durian. &nbsp,
” If it’s not in time, no one wants to eat”.