Drunk woman was allegedly sexually assaulted by man who offered her ride home; co-accused gets jail

SINGAPORE: Two people who were “very crazy” were unable to get trips home because of their alcohol.

When a person came by and offered them a ride home, they accepted, but one of them wound up being reportedly sexually assaulted.

The prey was likewise molested by the boy’s friend and co- accused, 35- year- ancient Singaporean Lee Kit.

Lee was sentenced to 20 times ‘ prisons and four stroke of the wood on Mar 18.

The location of the crime and the labels of the people are protected by joke order. The alleged criminal was not named in a wisdom made accessible on Saturday.

According to the assessment, Lee had accompanied his inc- accused, to” shiver” on the night of Jan 30, 2021.

Lee bought vodka for himself before meeting his pal at 10.45pm at a store. &nbsp, It, the buddy told Lee that he wanted to view two “very crazy” women who were in the store.


When the ladies left, showing obvious signs of drunkenness, Lee and his companion followed them.

Lee observed that the girls were “quite crazy” based on their pace and personality, while his companion commented that the sufferer was “pretty and seemed drunk”, the view stated.

The two men followed the two people through an overpass and loitered near when the girls went to a common room. &nbsp, They continued tailing the people until they reached a vehicle stop, where the people tried repeatedly to hail a taxi or reserve a exclusive- hire car.

Many individuals refused to pick them up owing to their inebriated state, the prosecutor said.

Lee’s friend next retrieved his car and parked it just behind the vehicle quit. &nbsp, The two people approached the ladies and convinced them to let the people take them back to the murderer’s property.

Lee’s companion drove the four of them to the murderer’s apartments, with the people vomiting during the trip.

At the defendant’s room, Lee used the bathroom and washed his fingers. When he came up, he allegedly saw his inc- accused biologically assaulting the target.

The prey was passing in and out of awareness while her friend lay unconscious beside her, Lee said.

Lee said his companion beckoned for Lee to meet him before ceasing the rape and kissing the target.

Lee next molested the target and heard her sigh “no”. &nbsp, Lee stopped his steps after a few seconds and left his companion in the bedroom with the two people.

Lee then waited for his companion in the car area before they drove off together.

During the drive, the two people were concerned that they might get into trouble with the officers, the court heard. &nbsp, They also made cruel and vulgar comment about the victim.

But, Lee’s companion quickly realised he had left his telephone in the victim’s residence. &nbsp, They returned and tried to get it back, fearing recognition, but failed.

The prey had called the police and the two people were arrested at the property.

Lee was initially charged with physical assault involving insertion but the cost was reduced to rape on condition of a petition of grief.

Lee’s doctors, Mr Shashi Nathan and Mr Jeremy Pereira of WithersKhattarWong, said Lee is likely to be a trial witness against his companion.

JUDGE’S Feedback

District Judge Justin Yeo said the degree of sexual abuse in Lee’s event was very great, and that the sufferer was in a susceptible state.

He added that the crime was part of a “group physical abuse” and took position in the victim’s residence, where one ought to feel secure.

The crime, committed in conjunction with the inc- accused’s alleged physical abuse, resulted in the sufferer being diagnosed with article- traumatic stress disorder.

” She has struggled with hallucinations and memories of the event, her relationships with her daughter and associates were disturbed, and she has had to take time off work”, said Judge Yeo.

He did not grant mass to the lawyer’s discussion that the offence was extremely premeditated.

The army had contested this clearly, arguing that the inc- accused had taken the lead and that Lee had played a silent function, following along “reluctantly”.

Judge Yeo said he was able to arrive at any strong opinions on malice as the trial did not dispute Lee’s accounts.

However, this does not suggest Lee simply played a silent function, or that the infraction was committed in a brief moment of foolishness, said the judge.

” Even on the accused’s personal consideration, he had followed the drunken women around for a considerable period of time, travelled together with the inc- accused and the women to the murderer’s apartment, and entered the victim’s apartment and bedroom”, said the judge.

In Lee’s mitigation plea, he claimed that the co- accused told him that the victim was not wearing underwear and had shown him” cheeky” expressions during the car journey and in the lift to her apartment.

” All of these undermine the defence’s submission that the accused had merely played a passive role or committed the offence in a fleeting moment of folly”, said the judge.