Continuous heavy traffic expected at land checkpoints due to upcoming public holidays, Qing Ming

Tourist’s Schedule

Travellers ‘ passports should have a remaining accuracy of at least six months and Singapore continuous residents who have renewed their passports should guarantee that their are- access permits have been transferred to their new passports, ICA said.

Longer- word pass holders should remind ICA or the Ministry of Manpower of any change in their passport particulars before re- entering Singapore.

Prohibited or controlled products should not be brought into Singapore, ICA added. A list of returnable, controlled and prohibited products can be found on the ICA website.

Those who bring in such products are required to actively consider them to ICA’s soldiers before being checked.

ICA also advised travellers to check the traffic situation at the land checkpoints before embarking on their journeys through traffic updates posted on the Land Transport Authority’s ( LTA ) &nbsp, One Motoring Website, ICA’s Facebook and X accounts, or local radio broadcasts.

Visitors changes can also be found on the Expressway Motoring and Advisory System installed along the Bukit Timah Expressway and Ayer Rajah Expressway.

ICA warned motorists to desist from queue- cut as it can cause serious congestion and sacrifice the safety of various drivers. &nbsp,

” Accidental vehicles caught lane cutting may get turned away and made to are- queue”, it said.

Drivers of foreign vehicles, meanwhile, should ensure that their Vehicle Entry Permits (VEPs ) are still valid as those without a valid Autopass card, a VEP approval email from LTA or valid insurance will be turned back.

ICA added that individuals of unusual vehicles with remarkable sanctions with government agencies should negotiate these fines before entering Singapore.

” Those with outstanding fines may be denied entry into Singapore”, the authority said.